PHP code example of starlight93 / html-pdf-excel

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download starlight93/html-pdf-excel library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


starlight93 / html-pdf-excel example snippets

//  your array of data, see: /testing/1data.json
$data = [
    'detail' => [
            'key_detail1'   => 'value1',
            'amount'    => 2000
            'key_detail1'   => 'value2',
            'amount'    => 1000

//  example: function to get string from a text file
public function getFromFile( $path ){
    $file = fopen( $path, "r" );
    $dt =  fread( $file ,filesize($path) ) ;
    return $dt;

//  your template string, see: /testing/1template.txt
$template = getFromFile(  "your text file path" );

$renderer = new \Starlight93\HtmlPdfExcel\Renderer;
//  if you want to try with /testing data dan template just pass true to Renderer Construct
// $renderer = new \Starlight93\HtmlPdfExcel\Renderer( true );
// with parameter true will take the data and template from /testing dir, so you can focus on config only

//  ======================= example rendering PDF start
$renderer->renderPDF(data: $data, template: $template, config: [
    'title' =>'testing',
    'break' => true,
    'left'  => 10,
    'top'   => 10,
    'right' => 12,
    'orientation'   =>'L',
    'size'  => [210, 297], // can be A4, F4, etc
    'fontSize'  => 10,
    'callback' => function( $pdf ){
        //  see tcpdf documentation for any available property and function
    'header_callback' => function( $hd ){
        //  see tcpdf documentation for any available property and function

    'footer_callback' => function( $ft ){
        //  see tcpdf documentation for any available property and function
//  ======================= end

//  ======================= example rendering XLS start
$renderer->renderXls(data: $data, template: $template, config: [
    'title' => 'testing',
    'break' => true, // to separate into 
    'orientation'   =>'L',
    'size'  => 9, // see
    'fontSize'  => 10
//  ======================= end

//  ======================= example rendering XLS start
$renderer->renderHtml(data: $data, template: $template, config: [
    'title' =>'testing',
    // 'orientation'   =>'L',
    // 'size'  => 'A4',
    'fontSize'  => 10
//  ======================= end

//  your array of data for dynamic columns
$data = [
    'details' => [
            'key_detail1'   => 'value1',
            'amount'    => 2000,
            'another1'    => 5000,
            'another2'    => 1000,
            'key_detail1'   => 'value2',
            'amount'    => 1000,
            'amount'    => 2000,
            'another1'    => 2000,
            'another2'    => 4000
            'key_detail1'   => 'value2',
            'amount'    => 1000,
            'amount'    => 2000,
            'another1'    => 3000,
            'another2'    => 2000

    // key below is to generate dynamic columns
    'dynamic' => [
        "Col Dynamic 1"=>"\$details.another1",
        "Col Dynamic 2"=>"\$details.another2",