PHP code example of starcitizenwiki / mediawikiapi

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download starcitizenwiki/mediawikiapi library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


starcitizenwiki / mediawikiapi example snippets

$manager = app('mediawikiapi.manager');



$request->queryParams(); // Returns the query params as an array
$request->json(); // Set the request format to 'json'
$request->csrfToken('TOKEN'); // Set the csrf token for this request
$request->formatVersion('latest'); // Set the formatversion. Valid values are 1, 2, 'latest'
$request->withTimestamp(); // Set the 'curtimestamp' param to 1
$request->addParam('key', 'value');
$request->request(); // Send the request, returns a MediaWikiResponse
  'timeout' => 10,
]); // Send the request with additional GuzzleClient options

$query = MediaWikiApi::query();

// Add meta params
$query->meta('tokens'); // Param meta is now 'tokens'
$query->meta('siteinfo')->meta('...'); // Param meta is now 'tokens|siteinfo|...'

// Add prop params
$query->prop('categories'); // Param prop is now 'categories'

// Set the pages to work on
// Or

// Set a category limit if prop('categories') was set
$query->cllimit(-1); // return 'max'
$query->cllimit(100); // return 100

// Force authentication

$response = MediaWikiApi::query()->meta('tokens')->request();

// True if request was not successful
$response->hasErrors(); // boolean
$response->getErrors(); // array

// True if request has warnings
$response->hasWarnings(); // boolean
$response->getWarnings(); // array

$token = $response->getQuery()['tokens'];

$parse = MediaWikiApi::parse();

// Set a page to parse

// Add prop params
$parse->prop('text'); // Param prop is now 'text'

$edit = MediaWikiApi::edit();

// Set the page title to edit
// Unsets a previously set page ID!

// Or use a page ID
// Unsets a previously set title!

// Add text to the page
// Automatically sets the md5 hash

// Edit an existing section

// Add a new section

// Set the section title

// Set an edit summary
$edit->summary('This was an API edit');

// Set mode to create only

// Set edit to minor
// Unsets not minor

// Set edit to notminor
// Unsets minor

// Set edit as bot edit

// Set the CSRF Token

// Creates an action object with ?action=action-name, request method to 'GET' and auth to false
$action = MediaWikiApi::action('action-name');

// Creates an action object with ?action=foo, request method to 'POST' and auth to true
$actionPostAuth = MediaWikiApi::action('foo', 'POST', true);

// Creates an action object with ?action=bar
$actionBar = MediaWikiApi::action('bar');
$actionBar->withAuthentication(); // auth is now true

// Adding parameters
$action->addParam('name', 'value'); // &name=value

$action->addParam('delete', true); // &delete=true