PHP code example of ssnepenthe / apheleia-cli

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download ssnepenthe/apheleia-cli library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


ssnepenthe / apheleia-cli example snippets

use ApheleiaCli\Argument;
use ApheleiaCli\Command;
use ApheleiaCli\Option;
use WP_CLI;

class HelloCommand extends Command
    public function configure(): void
        $this->setName('example hello')
            ->setDescription('Prints a greeting.')
                (new Argument('name'))
                    ->setDescription('The name of the person to greet.')
                (new Option('type'))
                    ->setDescription('Whether or not to greet the person with success or error.')
                    ->setOptions('success', 'error')
            ->setUsage("## EXAMPLES\n\n\twp example hello newman")

    public function handle($args, $assocArgs)
        [$name] = $args;

        $type = $assocArgs['type'];
        WP_CLI::$type("Hello, $name!");

use ApheleiaCli\CommandRegistry;

$registry = new CommandRegistry();

$registry->add(new HelloCommand());


$registry->namespace('example', 'Implements example command.');
$registry->add(new HelloCommand());

class HelloCommand extends Command
    public function configure(): void
            // etc...

    // ...

$registry->group('example', 'Implements example command.', function (CommandRegistry $registry) {
    $registry->add(new HelloCommand());

    (new Command())
        ->setDescription('Prints a greeting.')
            (new Argument('name'))
                ->setDescription('The name of the person to greet.')
            (new Option('type'))
                ->setDescription('Whether or not to greet the person with success or error.')
                ->setOptions('success', 'error')
        ->setUsage("## EXAMPLES\n\n\twp example hello newman")
        ->setHandler(function ($args, $assocArgs) {
            [$name] = $args;

            $type = $assocArgs['type'];
            WP_CLI::$type("Hello, $name!");

$command->setHandler(function (array $args, array $assocArgs) {
    // ...

use ApheleiaCli\Invoker\PhpDiHandlerInvoker;

class HelloCommand extends Command
    protected $handlerInvokerClass = PhpDiHandlerInvoker::class;

    // ...

class HelloCommand extends Command
    // ...

    public function handle($name, $type)
        WP_CLI::$type("Hello, $name!");