PHP code example of ssa / core

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download ssa/core library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


ssa / core example snippets

namespace services\;

 * simple example service
 * @author deblock
class HelloWorld {
     * return Hello <yourName> !!
     * @param string $yourName
     * @return string 
    public function helloYou($yourName) {
        return 'Hello ' . $yourName.' !!';

class FileService {

     * @param file $file
    public function upload($file) {
        // file is like this
        // array(
        //  'name' => 'string',
        //  'size' => int,
        //  'error' => int,
        //  'tmp_name' => 'string',
        //  'type' => 'string'
        // )
     * @param array(file) $files
    public function uploadMultiple($files) {
        foreach ($files as $file) {

use ssa\ServiceManager;

// the first way to do this is with registerAllServices method 
    // the first service is the class ssa\test\Service1 and we expose all this method 
    'service1' => array(
      'class' => 'ssa\test\Service1'
    // the second service is the class ssa\test\Service2 and we expose only the action1 and action2 method 
    'service2' => array(
      'class' => 'ssa\test\Service2',
      'methods' => array('action1','action2')

// the second way to do this is the registerService function, you can only register one service
// or
ServiceManager::getInstance()->registerService('service4','ssa\test\Service4', array('action1'));

use ssa\Configuration;

    'debug' => true, // if debug is true the generated javascript file are not minimized
    'cacheMode' => 'file', // if the cache is configured this cache mode is use, this can be file,apc,memcache,no(default)
    'cacheDirectory' => '', // if the cacheMode is file, this parameter is mandatory, this is the directory where the cache is put
    'memcacheHost' => '', // if the cacheMode is memcache is set this parameter is mandatory
    'memcachePort' => ''// if the cacheMode is memcache is set this parameter is mandatory

// the configuration can be do like this, example

/** service register **/

/** register services, and configure ssa */

use ssa\runner\resolver\impl\DefaultParameterResolver;
$defaultParameter = DefaultParameterResolver::createDefaultParameterResolver();
$defaultParameter->addObjectResolver(new MyObjectResolver());
$defaultParameter->addPrimitiveResolver(new MyPrimitiveResolver());

use ssa\runner\ServiceRunner;
// get the service and the action : HelloWorld.sayHello
list($service, $action) = explode('.', $_GET['service']);

// create the service runner
$serviceRunner = new ServiceRunner($service, new MyParameterResolver());
// run the action with get parameters
echo $serviceRunner->runAction($action, $_GET);

class Service {
   * @Encoder(\MyEncoder)
   * @param string $firstParameter
   * @return string
  public function action($firstParameter) {
    return $firstParameter;

  function __autoload($className)  {
    if (strpos($className, 'ssa\') == 0) {
      $file = str_replace('\\', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $className) . '.php';

use ssa\ServiceManager;
use ssa\Configuration;

// configure the ssa framework
    'debug' => true
// registrer your services
    'HelloWorld' => array('class' => 'ssa\toEndTest\HelloWorld')

use ssa\runner\ServiceRunner;
// get the service and the action : HelloWorld.sayHello
list($service, $action) = explode('.', $_GET['service']);

// create the service runner
$serviceRunner = new ServiceRunner($service);
// run the action with get parameters
echo $serviceRunner->runAction($action, array_merge($_POST, $_FILES));

use ssa\converter\JavascriptConverter;
use ssa\converter\SimpleUrlFactory;

// url use to call php services
$url = substr($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'],0, strrpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '/'));
// url factory use for create the service run url (your run.php file)
$factory = new SimpleUrlFactory("http://$_SERVER[HTTP_HOST]$url/run.php?service={action}&test=true");
// create the converter convert the service into Javascript service, service use $_GET parameter
$converter = new JavascriptConverter($_GET['service'], $factory);

echo $converter->convert();
use ssa\runner\annotations\RunnerHandler;
use Doctrine\Common\Annotations\Annotation;

 * @Annotation
 * @author thomas
class Secure implements RunnerHandler {
     * set state magic method for cache method
     * @param type $array
     * @return \ssa\secure\annotations\Secure
    public static function __set_state($array) {
        $secure = new Secure();
        return $secure;
	 * call before service call
	 * @param string $method the action name
	 * @param array $inputParameters service parameter, (service => the service call, service.method)
	 * @param ServiceMetadata $metaData
	 * @throw Exception if action must no be call
	public function before($method,array &$inputParameters,ServiceMetadata $metaData) {
	 * call before service call
	 * @param string $method the action name
	 * @param array $inputParameters service parameter, (service => the service call, service.method)
	 * @param mixed the service result before encoding
	 * @param ServiceMetadata $metaData
	 * can return value tranformed $result, encoder is call after this method
	public function after($method,array &$inputParameters, $result, ServiceMetadata $metaData) {


	 * @Secure
     * @param string $yourName
     * @return string 
    public function helloYou($userId) {
        return 'hello ' .$userId.'!!!';