PHP code example of srv44 / yii2-ajax-actions-behavior

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download srv44/yii2-ajax-actions-behavior library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


srv44 / yii2-ajax-actions-behavior example snippets

use srv44\AjaxActions\AjaxActionsBehavior;


public function behaviors()
    return [

use srv44\AjaxActions\AjaxActionsBehavior;


public function behaviors()
    return [
            'class' => AjaxActionsBehavior::className(),
            'checkResponse' => false



public function actionAjaxYourAction() 



public function actionAjaxYourAction() 
    return 'some value';
// result: 'some value'



public function actionAjaxYourAction() 
    return ['success' => true, 'your' => 'value'];
// result: {"success":true,"your":"value"}


use srv44\AjaxActions\AjaxActionsHelper;


// without params
public function actionAjaxWithoutParams() 
    return AjaxActionsHelper::success();
// result: {"success":true}

// with params
public function actionAjaxWithParams() 
    return AjaxActionsHelper::success(['your' => 'value']);
// result: {"success":true}


use srv44\AjaxActions\AjaxActionsHelper;


// Without params
public function actionAjaxWithoutParams() 
    return AjaxActionsHelper::error();
// result: {"success":false, "errorMessage":"Error!"}

// Only error message
public function actionAjaxOnlyErrorMessage() 
    return AjaxActionsHelper::error('Bad request!');
// result: {"success":false, "errorMessage":"Bad request!"}

// With error message and params
public function actionAjaxWithErrorMessageAndParams() 
    return AjaxActionsHelper::error('Bad request!', ['your' => 'value']);
// result: {"success":false, "errorMessage":"Bad request!", "your" => "value"}

// With custom error message field
public function actionAjaxWithCustomErrorField() 
    return AjaxActionsHelper::error('Bad request!', ['your' => 'value'], 'myErrorMessage');
// result: {"success":false, "myErrorMessage":"Bad request!", "your" => "value"}
