PHP code example of squidit / array-to-object

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download squidit/array-to-object library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


squidit / array-to-object example snippets


use SquidIT\Hydrator\ArrayToObject;
use SquidIT\Hydrator\Class\ClassInfoGenerator;
use SquidIT\Hydrator\Tests\Unit\ExampleObjects\Car\Complete\CarComplete;

$classInfoGenerator = new ClassInfoGenerator();
$hydrator           = new ArrayToObject($classInfoGenerator);

$data = [
    'color'           => 'black',
    'nrOfDoors'       => 4,
    'mileagePerLiter' => 16.3,
    'passengerList'   => ['melvin', 'bert'],
    'manufacturer'    => [
        'addressLine1' => 'Beautiful Street 123',
        'addressLine2' => 'Apartment 1234',
        'city'         => 'Rotterdam',
        'employeeList' => [
            ['employeeName' => 'cecil'],
            ['employeeName' => 'melvin'],
    'interCoolers' => [
            'speedRangeMinRpm' => 200,
            'speedRangeMaxRpm' => 2160,
            'isWaterCooled'    => true,
            'speedCategory'    => 'fast',
            'speedRangeMinRpm' => 100,
            'speedRangeMaxRpm' => 2200,
            'isWaterCooled'    => false,
            'speedCategory'    => 'slow',
    'countryEntryDate' => '2015-06-01 13:45:01',
    'extraInfo'        => null,

$carComplete = $hydrator->hydrate($data, CarComplete::class);


class Car
    public function __construct(
        public string $color,
        public Honda $manufacturer,
    ) {}

$data = [
    'color'           => 'black',
    'manufacturer'    => [  // <-- Honda::class
        'name'         => 'Beautiful Street 124',
        'city'         => 'Rotterdam',
        'employeeList' => []

use SquidIT\Hydrator\Attributes\ArrayOf;

class Honda implements ManufacturerInterface
     * @param array<int, Employee> $employeeList
    public function __construct(
        public string $name,
        public string $city,
        public array $employeeList,
    ) {}