PHP code example of spresnac / laravel-url-helper

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download spresnac/laravel-url-helper library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


spresnac / laravel-url-helper example snippets

$content_helper = new ContentHelper('insert HTML here');
$result = $content_helper->getHrefs();
// $result is an Collection with all the hrefs in it.

$content_helper = new ContentHelper('insert HTML here');
$result = $content_helper->getHrefsAsArray();
// $result is an Collection with all the hrefs in it.

$content_helper = new ContentHelper('insert HTML here');
$result = $content_helper->getSrcUrls();
// $result is an Collection with all the src-urls in it.

$content_helper = new ContentHelper('insert some plaintext here');
$result = $content_helper->getLinksFromPlaintext();
// $result is an Collection with all the urls from the plaintext in it.

$content_helper = new ContentHelper('insert some html or plaintext here');
$result = $content_helper->getAllTheLinks();
// $result is an Collection with all the urls.

$url_helper = new URLHelper();
$normalized_url = $url_helper->normalize('');
// $normalized_url is now

$url_helper = new URLHelper();
$parsed_url = parse_url('');
$my_url = $url_helper->build_url($parsed_url);

$url_helper = new URLHelper();
$main_domain_part = $url_helper->getMainDomainPart('');
// $main_domain_part is now ""

$url_helper = new URLHelper();
$sub_domain_part = $url_helper->getMainDomainPart('');
// $sub_domain_part is now "www3.brick"

$sitemap_helper = new SitemapHelper();
$urls = $sitemap_helper->process_input_from_string('content_of_your_sitemap_as_string');
// $urls are a collection of all the urls found

$sitemap_helper = new SitemapHelper();
$urls = $sitemap_helper->process_input_from_url('url_to_your_sitemap');
// $urls are a collection of all the urls found