PHP code example of spiffy / spiffy-inject

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download spiffy/spiffy-inject library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


spiffy / spiffy-inject example snippets

use Spiffy\Inject\Injector;

$i = new Injector();

// assign a parameter is as easy as using ArrayAccess
$i['foo'] = 'bar';

// output is 'bar'
echo $i['foo'];

$i = new Injector();

// setting using the string class name
$i->nject('foo', 'StdClass');

// setting the service directly
$i->nject('foo', new \StdClass());

// setting the service using a closure factory
$i->nject('foo', function() {
  return new \StdClass();

// setting the service using array configuration
$i->nject('foo', ['StdClass']);

// setting the service using an object that implements ServiceFactory
class StdClassFactory implements ServiceFactory
    public function createService(Injector $i)
        return new \StdClass();
$i->nject('foo', new StdClassFactory());

// each method listed above is identical

// false

$i->nject('foo', new \StdClass());

// true

// assuming the configuration from 'Setting Services' above
// the following retrieves the 'foo' service
$foo = $i->nvoke('foo');

$i = new Injector();

// you can pass constructor parameters to the service
class Foo
    public function __construct($string, $int)
        $this->string = $string;
        $this->int = $int;

// the resulting object will have 'string set to 'I am a string'
// and 'int' set to '1'
$i->nject('foo', ['Foo', ['I am a string', 1]]);

$i = new Injector();

// you can pass constructor parameters to the service
class Foo
    public function __construct($int)
        $this->int = $int;

    public function setString($string)
        $this->string = $string;

// the resulting object will have 'string set to 'I am a string'
// and 'int' set to '1'
$i->nject('foo', ['Foo',[1],['setString' => 'string']]);

$i = new Injector();

class Bar

class Foo
    public function __construct(Bar $bar)
        $this->bar = $bar;

    public function setBaz($baz)
        $this->baz = $baz;

// set the 'baz' parameter to 'boogly'
$i['baz'] = 'boogly';

// set the 'bar' service to an instance of \Bar
$i->nject('bar', new \Bar());

// create the foo service using array configuration and parameter/service references
$i->nject('foo', ['Foo',['@bar'],['setBaz' => '$baz']]);

// the resulting Foo service would have '$this->bar' set to '\Bar' and '$this->baz' set to 'boogly'

class ArrayObjectFactory implements ServiceFactory
    private $defaults;

    public function __construct(array $defaults)
        $this->defaults = $defaults;

    public function createService(Injector $i)
        return new \ArrayObject($this->defaults);

$i = new Injector();

// Result is an ArrayObject and *not* an ArrayObjectFactory
$i->nject('ArrayObject', ['ArrayObjectFactory', [['foo' => 'bar']]);

namespace Spiffy\Inject\TestAsset;

use Spiffy\Inject\Annotation as Injector;

 * @Injector\Component("inject.test-asset.annotated-component")
class AnnotatedComponent
    /** @var \StdClass */
    private $foo;
    /** @var array */
    private $params;
    /** @var array */
    private $setter;
     * @Injector\Method({@Injector\Inject("foo"), @Injector\Param("params")})
    public function __construct(\StdClass $foo, array $params)
        $this->foo = $foo;
        $this->params = $params;

     * @Injector\Method({@Injector\Param("setter")})
     * @param array $setter
    public function setSetter($setter)
        $this->setter = $setter;

     * @return array
    public function getSetter()
        return $this->setter;

     * @return \StdClass
    public function getFoo()
        return $this->foo;

     * @return array
    public function getParams()
        return $this->params;

use Spiffy\Inject\Generator;
use Spiffy\Inject\Metadata;

$mdf = new Metadata\MetadataFactory();
$md = $mdf->getMetadataForClass('Spiffy\Inject\TestAsset\AnnotatedComponent');

$generator = new Generator\ArrayGenerator();

$i = new Injector();
$i->nject($md->getName(), $generator->generate($md));

$i->nvoke($md->getName()); // instanceof Spiffy\Inject\TestAsset\AnnotatedComponent

$i = new Injector();
$i->nject('foo', new \StdClass());
$i->decorate('foo', function(Injector $i, \StdClass $foo) {
    $foo->bar = 'bar';
    $foo->baz = 'baz';

$foo = $i->nvoke('foo');

// output is 'barbaz';
echo $foo->bar;
echo $foo->baz;

namespace My;

use Spiffy\Inject\Injector;
use Spiffy\Inject\ServiceDecorator;

class FooDecorator implements ServiceDecorator
    public function decorateService(Injector $i, $instance)
        $instance->bar = 'bar';
        $instance->baz = 'baz';

use Spiffy\Inject\Injector;

$i = new Injector();
$i->nject('foo', new \StdClass());
$i->decorate('foo', new \My\FooDecorator());

$foo = $i->nvoke('foo');

// output is 'barbaz';
echo $foo->bar;
echo $foo->baz;

$i = new Injector();
$i->nject('foo', new \StdClass());

// if we use the $callable available to the closure we receive an instance of the original service
// the \StdClass object would have two properties: 'bar' and 'name'
// the values would be 'bar' and 'foo' respectively
$i->wrap('foo', function(Injector $i, $name, $callable) {
    $foo = $callable();
    $foo->bar = 'bar';
    $foo->name = $name;

    return $foo;

// we can completely override the original service configuration by skipping the callable
$i->wrap('foo', function(Injector $i, $name, $callable) {
    return new \ArrayObject();

// output is 'ArrayObject'
echo get_class($i->nvoke('foo'));

namespace My;

use Spiffy\Inject\Injector;
use Spiffy\Inject\ServiceWrapper;

class FooWrapper implements ServiceWrapper
    public function wrapService(Injector $i, $name, $callable)
        $foo = $callable();
        $foo->bar = 'bar';
        $foo->name = $name;

        return $foo;

use Spiffy\Inject\Injector;

$i = new Injector();
$i->nject('foo', new \StdClass());
$i->wrap('foo', new \My\FooWrapper());

$foo = $i->nvoke('foo');

echo $foo->bar; // outputs 'bar'
echo $foo->name; // outputs 'foo'