PHP code example of spatie / mjml-php

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download spatie/mjml-php library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


spatie / mjml-php example snippets

use Spatie\Mjml\Mjml;

$mjml = <<<'MJML'
            <mj-text invalid-attribute>Hello World</mj-text>

$html = Mjml::new()->toHtml($mjml);

use Spatie\Mjml\Mjml;

// let's assume $mjml contains the MJML you want to convert

$html = Mjml::new()->toHtml($mjml);

use Spatie\Mjml\Mjml;

// let's assume $mjml contains the MJML you want to convert

$result = Mjml::new()->convert($mjml); // returns an instance of Spatie\Mjml\MjmlResult

use Spatie\Mjml\Mjml;

// let's assume $mjml contains the MJML you want to convert
$minifiedHtml = Mjml::new()->minify()->toHtml($mjml);

use Spatie\Mjml\Mjml;

// let's assume $mjml contains the MJML you want to convert
$minifiedHtml = Mjml::new()->minify()->toHtml($mjml, [
    'beautify' => true,
    'minify' => true,

use Spatie\Mjml\Mjml;

Mjml::new()->canConvert($mjml); // returns a boolean

use Spatie\Mjml\Mjml;

Mjml::new()->canConvertWithoutErrors($mjml); // returns a boolean

 * All of your function classes that you'd like to deploy go here.
'functions' => [
php artisan sidecar:deploy --activate