1. Go to this page and download the library: Download spatie/laravel-settings library. Choose the download type require.
2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.
3. Add this code to the index.php.
/* Start to develop here. Best regards https://php-download.com/ */
spatie / laravel-settings example snippets
class GeneralSettings extends Settings
public string $site_name;
public bool $site_active;
public static function group(): string
return 'general';
class GeneralSettingsController
public function show(GeneralSettings $settings){
return view('settings.show', [
'site_name' => $settings->site_name,
'site_active' => $settings->site_active
class GeneralSettingsController
public function update(
GeneralSettingsRequest $request,
GeneralSettings $settings
$settings->site_name = $request->input('site_name');
$settings->site_active = $request->input('site_active');
return redirect()->back();
return [
* Each settings class used in your application must be registered, you can
* put them (manually) here.
'settings' => [
* The path where the settings classes will be created.
'setting_class_path' => app_path('Settings'),
* In these directories settings migrations will be stored and ran when migrating. A settings
* migration created via the make:settings-migration command will be stored in the first path or
* a custom defined path when running the command.
'migrations_paths' => [
* When no repository was set for a settings class the following repository
* will be used for loading and saving settings.
'default_repository' => 'database',
* Settings will be stored and loaded from these repositories.
'repositories' => [
'database' => [
'type' => Spatie\LaravelSettings\SettingsRepositories\DatabaseSettingsRepository::class,
'model' => null,
'table' => null,
'connection' => null,
'redis' => [
'type' => Spatie\LaravelSettings\SettingsRepositories\RedisSettingsRepository::class,
'connection' => null,
'prefix' => null,
* The encoder and decoder will determine how settings are stored and
* retrieved in the database. By default, `json_encode` and `json_decode`
* are used.
'encoder' => null,
'decoder' => null,
* The contents of settings classes can be cached through your application,
* settings will be stored within a provided Laravel store and can have an
* additional prefix.
'cache' => [
'enabled' => env('SETTINGS_CACHE_ENABLED', false),
'store' => null,
'prefix' => null,
'ttl' => null,
* These global casts will be automatically used whenever a property within
* your settings class isn't a default PHP type.
'global_casts' => [
DateTimeInterface::class => Spatie\LaravelSettings\SettingsCasts\DateTimeInterfaceCast::class,
DateTimeZone::class => Spatie\LaravelSettings\SettingsCasts\DateTimeZoneCast::class,
// Spatie\DataTransferObject\DataTransferObject::class => Spatie\LaravelSettings\SettingsCasts\DtoCast::class,
Spatie\LaravelData\Data::class => Spatie\LaravelSettings\SettingsCasts\DataCast::class,
* The package will look for settings in these paths and automatically
* register them.
'auto_discover_settings' => [
* Automatically discovered settings classes can be cached, so they don't
* need to be searched each time the application boots up.
'discovered_settings_cache_path' => base_path('bootstrap/cache'),
use Spatie\LaravelSettings\Settings;
class GeneralSettings extends Settings
public string $site_name;
public bool $site_active;
public static function group(): string
return 'general';
* Each settings class used in your application must be registered, you can
* add them (manually) here.
'settings' => [
use Spatie\LaravelSettings\Migrations\SettingsMigration;
return new class extends SettingsMigration
public function up(): void
$this->migrator->add('general.site_name', 'Spatie');
$this->migrator->add('general.site_active', true);
// Will throw an error
public ?string $site_name;
// Will return `null`
public ?string $site_description = null;
// Will return `false`
public bool $site_active = false;
class IndexController
public function __invoke(GeneralSettings $settings){
return view('index', [
'site_name' => $settings->site_name,
function getName(): string{
return app(GeneralSettings::class)->site_name;
class SettingsController
public function __invoke(GeneralSettings $settings, GeneralSettingsRequest $request){
$settings->site_name = $request->input('site_name');
$settings->site_active = $request->boolean('site_active');
return redirect()->back();
class GeneralSettings extends Settings
public string $site_name;
public bool $site_active;
public static function group(): string
return 'general';
public static function repository(): ?string
return 'global_settings';
use Spatie\LaravelSettings\Migrations\SettingsMigration;
class CreateGeneralSettings extends SettingsMigration
public function up(): void
public function up(): void
$this->migrator->add('general.timezone', 'Europe/Brussels');
public function up(): void
$this->migrator->rename('general.timezone', 'general.local_timezone');
public function up(): void
$this->migrator->rename('general.timezone', 'country.timezone');
public function up(): void
fn(string $timezone) => return 'America/New_York'
public function up(): void
public function up(): void
if ($this->migrator->exists('general.timezone')) {
// do something
public function up(): void
$this->migrator->inGroup('general', function (SettingsBlueprint $blueprint): void {
$blueprint->add('timezone', 'Europe/Brussels');
$blueprint->rename('timezone', 'local_timezone');
$blueprint->update('timezone', fn(string $timezone) => return 'America/New_York');
class RegularTypeSettings extends Settings
public string $a_string;
public bool $a_bool;
public int $an_int;
public float $a_float;
public array $an_array;
public static function group(): string
return 'regular_type';
class DateSettings extends Settings
public DateTime $birth_date;
public static function group(): string
return 'date';
public static function casts(): array
return [
'birth_date' => DateTimeInterfaceCast::class
class DateSettings extends Settings
public $birth_date;
public static function group(): string
return 'date';
public static function casts(): array
return [
'birth_date' => new DateTimeInterfaceWithTimeZoneCast(DateTime::class, 'Europe/Brussels')
class DateSettings extends Settings
public $birth_date;
public static function group(): string
return 'date';
public static function casts(): array
return [
'birth_date' => DateTimeInterfaceCast::class.':'.DateTime::class
class DateSettings extends Settings
public DateTime $birth_date;
public static function group(): string
return 'date';
class DateSettings extends Settings
public DateTime $birth_date;
public ?int $a_nullable_int;
public static function group(): string
return 'date';
class DateSettings extends Settings
/** @var \DateTime */
public $birth_date;
/** @var ?int */
public $a_nullable_int;
/** @var int|null */
public $another_nullable_int;
/** @var int[]|null */
public $an_array_of_ints_or_null;
public static function group(): string
return 'date';
class DateSettings extends Settings
/** @var array<\DateTime> */
public array $birth_dates;
// OR
/** @var \DateTime[] */
public array $birth_dates_alternative;
public static function group(): string
return 'date';
class GeneralSettings extends Settings
public string $site_name;
public bool $site_active;
public static function group(): string
return 'general';
public static function encrypted(): array
return [
public function up(): void
$this->migrator->addEncrypted('general.site_name', 'Spatie');
public function up(): void
fn(string $siteName) => return 'Space'
public function up(): void
$this->migrator->add('general.site_name', 'Spatie');
public function up(): void
$this->migrator->addEncrypted('general.site_name', 'Spatie');
interface SettingsCast
* Will be used to when retrieving a value from the repository, and
* inserting it into the settings class.
public function get($payload);
* Will be used to when retrieving a value from the settings class, and
* inserting it into the repository.
public function set($payload);
class DtoCast implements SettingsCast
private string $type;
public function __construct(?string $type)
$this->type = $type;
public function get($payload): Data
return $this->type::from($payload);
public function set($payload): array
return $payload->toArray();
// By the type of property
class CastSettings extends Settings
public DateTime $birth_date;
public static function casts(): array
return [
'birth_date' => DateTimeInterfaceCast::class
// By the docblock of a property
class CastSettings extends Settings
/** @var \DateTime */
public $birth_date;
public static function casts(): array
return [
'birth_date' => DateTimeInterfaceCast::class
// By explicit definition
class CastSettings extends Settings
public $birth_date;
public static function casts(): array
return [
'birth_date' => DateTimeInterfaceCast::class.':'.DateTime::class
class CastSettings extends Settings
public $birth_date;
public static function casts(): array
return [
'birth_date' => DateTimeWthTimeZoneInterfaceCast::class.':'.DateTime::class.',Europe/Brussels'
class CastSettings extends Settings
public $birth_date;
public static function casts(): array
return [
'birth_date' => new DateTimeWthTimeZoneInterfaceCast(DateTime::class, 'Europe/Brussels')
interface SettingsRepository
* Get all the properties in the repository for a single group
public function getPropertiesInGroup(string $group): array;
* Check if a property exists in a group
public function checkIfPropertyExists(string $group, string $name): bool;
* Get the payload of a property
public function getPropertyPayload(string $group, string $name);
* Create a property within a group with a payload
public function createProperty(string $group, string $name, $payload): void;
* Update the payloads of properties within a group.
public function updatePropertiesPayload(string $group, array $properties): void;
* Delete a property from a group
public function deleteProperty(string $group, string $name): void;
* Lock a set of properties for a specific group
public function lockProperties(string $group, array $properties): void;
* Unlock a set of properties for a group
public function unlockProperties(string $group, array $properties): void;
* Get all the locked properties within a group
public function getLockedProperties(string $group): array;