PHP code example of spatie / laravel-rdap

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download spatie/laravel-rdap library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


spatie / laravel-rdap example snippets

use Carbon\CarbonInterval;

return [
     * When making an RDAP query, we first have got to make a request to determine
     *  the server responsible for the tld of the query. Here you can specify
     * how long we should cache the server URLs.

    'tld_servers_cache' => [
        'store_name' => null,
        'duration_in_seconds' => CarbonInterval::week()->totalSeconds,

     * RDAP seem to be a bit unreliable when responding to domain queries. 
     * We solve this by attempting a request to RDAP a couple of times 
     * until we get a response.
    'domain_queries' => [
         * How long we should wait per attempt to get a response
        'timeout_in_seconds' => 5,
         * How many times we should attempt getting a response
        'retry_times' => 3,
         * The time between attempts
        'sleep_in_milliseconds_between_retries' => 1000,

use Spatie\Rdap\Facades\Rdap;

$domain = Rdap::domain(''); // returns an instance of `Spatie\Rdap\Responses\DomainResponse`

$domain = Rdap::domain(
   timeoutInSecons: 10,
   retryTimes: 4,
   sleepInMillisecondsBetweenRetries: 2000,       

$properties = $domain->all(); // returns an array

$domain->get('objectClassName'); // returns 'domain'

$domain->get('links.0.value'); // returns ''

use Spatie\Rdap\Enums\DomainStatus;

$domain->hasStatus(DomainStatus::ClientTransferProhibited); // returns a boolean

use Spatie\Rdap\Facades\Rdap;

Rdap::domainIsSupported(''); // returns true;
Rdap::domainIsSupported(''); // returns false because 'be' isn't currently a supported tld;

use Spatie\Rdap\Facades\Rdap;

$domain = Rdap::domain(''); // returns an instance of `Spatie\Rdap\Responses\DomainResponse`

$rdapDns = Spatie\Rdap\Facades\Rdap::dns();

$rdapDns->getServerForDomain(''); // returns ""

$rdapDns->getServerForTld('com'); // returns ""

$rdapDns->supportedTlds(); // returns an array with all supported TLDs
php artisan vendor:publish --tag="rdap-config"