PHP code example of spatie / laravel-long-running-tasks

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download spatie/laravel-long-running-tasks library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


spatie / laravel-long-running-tasks example snippets

use Spatie\LongRunningTasks\LongRunningTask;
use Spatie\LongRunningTasks\Enums\TaskResult;
use Spatie\LongRunningTasks\LongRunningTask;

class MyTask extends LongRunningTask
    public function check(LongRunningTaskLogItem $logItem): TaskResult
        // get some information about this task
        $meta = $logItem->meta
        // do some work here
        $allWorkIsDone = /* ... */
        // return wheter we should continue the task in a new run
         return $allWorkIsDone
            ? TaskResult::StopChecking
            : TaskResult::ContinueChecking


return [
     * Behind the scenes, this packages use a queue to call tasks.
     * Here you can choose the queue that should be used by default.
    'queue' => 'default',

     * If a task determines that it should be continued, it will
     * be called again after this amount of time
    'default_check_frequency_in_seconds' => 10,

     * When a task is not completed in this amount of time,
     * it will not run again, and marked as `didNotComplete`.
    'keep_checking_for_in_seconds' => 60 * 5,

     * The model that will be used by default to track
     * the status of all tasks.
    'log_model' => Spatie\LongRunningTasks\Models\LongRunningTaskLogItem::class,

     * The job responsible for calling tasks.
    'task_job' => Spatie\LongRunningTasks\Jobs\RunLongRunningTaskJob::class,

use Spatie\LongRunningTasks\LongRunningTask;
use Spatie\LongRunningTasks\Enums\TaskResult;

class MyTask extends LongRunningTask
    public function check(LongRunningTaskLogItem $logItem): TaskResult
        // get some information about this task
        $meta = $logItem->meta // returns an array
        // do some work here
        $allWorkIsDone = /* ... */
        // return wheter we should continue the task in a new run
         return $allWorkIsDone
            ? TaskResult::StopChecking
            : TaskResult::ContinueChecking




class MyTask extends LongRunningTask
    public function check(LongRunningTaskLogItem $logItem): TaskResult
        // get some information about this task
        $meta = $logItem->meta // returns an array

        // rest of method

class MyTask extends LongRunningTask
    public int $checkFrequencyInSeconds = 20;


class MyTask extends LongRunningTask
    public string $queue = 'my-custom-queue';


class MyTask extends LongRunningTask
    public int $keepCheckingForInSeconds = 60 * 10;

   ->keepCheckingForInSeconds(60 * 10)

use Spatie\LongRunningTasks\LongRunningTask;
use Spatie\LongRunningTasks\Enums\TaskResult;

class MyTask extends LongRunningTask
    public function check(LongRunningTaskLogItem $logItem): TaskResult
        throw new Exception('Something went wrong');

    public function onFail(LongRunningTaskLogItem $logItem, Exception $exception): ?TaskResult
        // handle the exception

namespace App\Models;

use Spatie\LongRunningTasks\Models\LongRunningTaskLogItem as BaseLongRunningTaskLogItem;

class LongRunningTaskLogItem extends BaseLongRunningTaskLogItem
    // your custom functionality

// in config/long-running-tasks.php

return [
    // ...

    'log_model' => App\Models\LongRunningTaskLogItem::class,

namespace App\Models;

use Spatie\LongRunningTasks\Models\LongRunningTaskLogItem as BaseLongRunningTaskLogItem;

class LongRunningTaskLogItem extends BaseLongRunningTaskLogItem
    protected static function booted()
        static::creating(function ($logItem) {
            $customValue = $logItem->meta['some_key'];
            // optionally, you could unset the custom value from the meta array
            $logItem->custom_field = $customValue;

namespace App\Jobs;

use Spatie\LongRunningTasks\Jobs\RunLongRunningTaskJob as BaseRunLongRunningTaskJob;

class RunLongRunningTaskJob extends BaseRunLongRunningTaskJob
    // your custom functionality

// in config/long-running-tasks.php

return [
    // ...

    'task_job' => App\Jobs\RunLongRunningTaskJob::class,
php artisan vendor:publish --tag="long-running-tasks-migrations"
php artisan migrate