PHP code example of spatie / laravel-googletagmanager

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download spatie/laravel-googletagmanager library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


spatie / laravel-googletagmanager example snippets

// config/app.php

'providers' => [

'aliases' => [
    'GoogleTagManager' => Spatie\GoogleTagManager\GoogleTagManagerFacade::class,

// app/Http/Kernel.php

protected $middleware = [

return [

     * The Google Tag Manager id, should be a code that looks something like "gtm-xxxx".
    'id' => '',
     * Enable or disable script rendering. Useful for local development.
    'enabled' => true,

     * If you want to use some macro's you 'll probably store them
     * in a dedicated file. You can optionally define the path
     * to that file here, and we will load it for you.
    'macroPath' => '',
     * The key under which data is saved to the session with flash.
    'sessionKey' => '_googleTagManager',

     * Configures the Google Tag Manager script domain.
     * Modify this value only if you're using "Google Tag Manage: Web Container" client
     * to serve gtm.js for your web container. Else, keep the default value.
    'domain' => '',

return [
    'id' => 'GTM-XXXXXX',
    'enabled' => env('APP_ENV') === 'production',
    'macroPath' => app_path('Services/GoogleTagManager/Macros.php'),
    'sessionKey' => '_googleTagManager',
    // Base domain used in your GTM server container
    'domain' => '',

// HomeController.php

public function index()
    GoogleTagManager::set('pageType', 'productDetail');

    return view('home');

// ContactController.php

public function getContact()
    GoogleTagManager::set('pageType', 'contact');

    return view('contact');

public function postContact()
    // Do contact form stuff...

    GoogleTagManager::flash('formResponse', 'success');

    return redirect()->action('ContactController@getContact');

// Retrieve your Google Tag Manager id
$id = GoogleTagManager::id(); // GTM-XXXXXX

// Check whether script rendering is enabled
$enabled = GoogleTagManager::isEnabled(); // true|false

// Enable and disable script rendering

// Add data to the data layer (automatically renders right before the tag manager script). Setting new values merges them with the previous ones. Set also supports dot notation.
GoogleTagManager::set(['foo' => 'bar']);
GoogleTagManager::set('baz', ['ho' => 'dor']);
GoogleTagManager::set('baz.ho', 'doorrrrr');

// [
//   'foo' => 'bar',
//   'baz' => ['ho' => 'doorrrrr']
// ]

$dataLayer = new Spatie\GoogleTagManager\DataLayer();
$dataLayer->set('', $products->toJson());
echo $dataLayer->toJson(); // {"ecommerce":{"click":{"products":"..."}}}

$dataLayer = GoogleTagManager::getDataLayer();

GoogleTagManager::macro('impression', function ($product) {
    GoogleTagManager::set('ecommerce', [
        'currencyCode' => 'EUR',
        'detail' => [
            'products' => [ $product->getGoogleTagManagerData() ]

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Spatie\GoogleTagManager\GoogleTagManagerServiceProvider" --tag="config"
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Spatie\GoogleTagManager\GoogleTagManagerServiceProvider" --tag="views"

{{-- layout.blade.php --}}
    {{-- ... --}}