PHP code example of spatie / laravel-ciphersweet

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download spatie/laravel-ciphersweet library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


spatie / laravel-ciphersweet example snippets

return [
     * This controls which cryptographic backend will be used by CipherSweet.
     * Unless you have specific compliance     * Select which key provider your application will use. The default option
     * is to read a string literal out of .env, but it's also possible to
     * provide the key in a file or use random keys for testing.
     * Supported: "file", "random", "string"

    'provider' => env('CIPHERSWEET_PROVIDER', 'string'),

     * Set provider-specific options here. "string" will read the key directly
     * from your .env file. "file" will read the contents of the specified file
     * to use as your key. "custom" points to a factory class that returns a
     * provider from its `__invoke` method. Please see the docs for more details.
    'providers' => [
        'file' => [
            'path' => env('CIPHERSWEET_FILE_PATH'),
        'string' => [
            'key' => env('CIPHERSWEET_KEY'),
     * The provided code snippet checks whether the $permitEmpty property is set to false
     * for a given field. If it is not set to false, it throws an EmptyFieldException indicating
     * that the field is not defined in the row. This ensures that the code enforces the 

use Spatie\LaravelCipherSweet\Contracts\CipherSweetEncrypted;
use Spatie\LaravelCipherSweet\Concerns\UsesCipherSweet;
use ParagonIE\CipherSweet\EncryptedRow;
use ParagonIE\CipherSweet\BlindIndex;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

class User extends Model implements CipherSweetEncrypted
    use UsesCipherSweet;
     * Encrypted Fields
     * Each column that should be encrypted should be added below. Each column
     * in the migration should be a `text` type to store the encrypted value.

$user = User::whereBlind('email', 'email_index', '[email protected]');

class CustomBackendFactory {
    public function __invoke()
        return new CustomBackend();

class CustomBackend implements BackendInterface {

    public function encrypt(string $plaintext, SymmetricKey $key, string $aad = ''): string
        // Your logic here.

    public function decrypt(string $ciphertext, SymmetricKey $key, string $aad = ''): string
        // Your logic here.

    public function blindIndexFast(string $plaintext, SymmetricKey $key, ?int $bitLength = null): string
        // Your logic here.

    public function blindIndexSlow(string $plaintext, SymmetricKey $key, ?int $bitLength = null, array $config = []): string
        // Your logic here.

    public function getIndexTypeColumn(string $tableName, string $fieldName, string $indexName): string
        // Your logic here.

    public function deriveKeyFromPassword(string $password, string $salt): SymmetricKey
        // Your logic here.return new SymmetricKey('123');

    public function doStreamDecrypt($inputFP, $outputFP, SymmetricKey $key, int $chunkSize = 8192): bool
        // Your logic here.

    public function doStreamEncrypt($inputFP, $outputFP, SymmetricKey $key, int $chunkSize = 8192, string $salt = Constants::DUMMY_SALT): bool
        // Your logic here.

    public function getFileEncryptionSaltOffset(): int
        // Your logic here.

    public function getPrefix(): string
        // Your logic here.

class CustomKeyProviderFactory {
    public function __invoke()
        return new CustomKeyProvider();

class CustomKeyProvider implements KeyProviderInterface {

    public function getSymmetricKey(): SymmetricKey
        return new SymmetricKey(''); // Your logic here.
php artisan vendor:publish --tag="ciphersweet-migrations"
php artisan migrate
php artisan vendor:publish --tag="ciphersweet-config"
php artisan ciphersweet:generate-key
php artisan ciphersweet:encrypt <your-model-class> <generated-key>