PHP code example of spatie / dns

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download spatie/dns library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


spatie / dns example snippets

use Spatie\Dns\Dns;

$dns = new Dns();

$dns->getRecords(''); // returns all available dns records

$dns->getRecords('', 'A'); // returns only A records

$records = $dns->getRecords('')

$hostNameOfFirstRecord = $records[0]->host();

use Spatie\Dns\Dns;

$dns = new Dns();

$dns->getRecords(''); // returns all available dns records

$dns->getRecords('', 'A'); // returns only A records
$dns->getRecords('', ['A', 'CNAME']); // returns both A and CNAME records
$dns->getRecords('', DNS_MX); // returns only MX records
$dns->getRecords('', DNS_A | DNS_AAAA); // returns both A and AAAA records

$ARecord = $dns->getRecords('', 'A')[0];

(string)$ARecord // returns `              900     IN      A`

use Spatie\Dns\Dns;

(new Dns)
    ->useNameserver('') // use

use \Spatie\Dns\Support\Factory();

// returns instance of \Spatie\Dns\Records\CNAME
(new Factory())->guess('       300     IN      CNAME');

$results = $this->dns
    ->useHandlers([new YourCustomHandler()])