PHP code example of spatie / data-transfer-object

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download spatie/data-transfer-object library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


spatie / data-transfer-object example snippets

use Spatie\DataTransferObject\Attributes\MapFrom;
use Spatie\DataTransferObject\DataTransferObject;

class MyDTO extends DataTransferObject
    public OtherDTO $otherDTO;
    public OtherDTOCollection $collection;
    public ComplexObject $complexObject;
    public ComplexObjectWithCast $complexObjectWithCast;
    #[NumberBetween(1, 100)]
    public int $a;
    public string $city;

$dto = new MyDTO(
    a: 5,
    collection: [
        ['id' => 1],
        ['id' => 2],
        ['id' => 3],
    complexObject: [
        'name' => 'test',
    complexObjectWithCast: [
        'name' => 'test',
    otherDTO: ['id' => 5],

$dto = new MyDTO([
    'a' => 5,
    'collection' => [
        ['id' => 1],
        ['id' => 2],
        ['id' => 3],
    'complexObject' => [
        'name' => 'test',
    'complexObjectWithCast' => [
        'name' => 'test',
    'otherDTO' => ['id' => 5],

$dto = new MyDTO(
    collection: [ // This will become an object of class OtherDTOCollection
        ['id' => 1],
        ['id' => 2], // Each item will be an instance of OtherDTO
        ['id' => 3],
    otherDTO: ['id' => 5], // This data will be cast to OtherDTO

class ComplexObject
    public string $name;

use Spatie\DataTransferObject\Caster;

class ComplexObjectCaster implements Caster
     * @param array|mixed $value
     * @return mixed
    public function cast(mixed $value): ComplexObject
        return new ComplexObject(
            name: $value['name']

class MyDTO extends DataTransferObject
    public ComplexObjectWithCast $complexObjectWithCast;

class ComplexObjectWithCast
    public string $name;

    DefaultCast(DateTimeImmutable::class, DateTimeImmutableCaster::class),
    DefaultCast(MyEnum::class, EnumCaster::class),
abstract class BaseDataTransferObject extends DataTransferObject
    public MyEnum $status; // EnumCaster will be used
    public DateTimeImmutable $date; // DateTimeImmutableCaster will be used

    /** @var \Spatie\DataTransferObject\Tests\Foo[] */
    #[CastWith(ArrayCaster::class, itemType: Foo::class)]
    public array $collectionWithNamedArguments;
    /** @var \Spatie\DataTransferObject\Tests\Foo[] */
    #[CastWith(ArrayCaster::class, Foo::class)]
    public array $collectionWithoutNamedArguments;

class MyDTO extends DataTransferObject
    #[NumberBetween(1, 100)]
    public int $a;

#[Attribute(Attribute::TARGET_PROPERTY | Attribute::IS_REPEATABLE)]
class NumberBetween implements Validator
    public function __construct(
        private int $min,
        private int $max
    ) {

    public function validate(mixed $value): ValidationResult
        if ($value < $this->min) {
            return ValidationResult::invalid("Value should be greater than or equal to {$this->min}");

        if ($value > $this->max) {
            return ValidationResult::invalid("Value should be less than or equal to {$this->max}");

        return ValidationResult::valid();

class PostDTO extends DataTransferObject
    public string $title;
    public string $author;

$dto = new PostDTO([
    'postTitle' => 'Hello world',
    'user' => [
        'name' => 'John Doe'

class UserDTO extends DataTransferObject

    public string $firstName;
    public string $lastName;

$dto = new UserDTO(['John', 'Doe']);

class UserDTO extends DataTransferObject

    public string $firstName;
    public string $lastName;

$dto = new UserDTO(['John', 'Doe']);
$dto->toArray() // ['first_name' => 'John', 'last_name'=> 'Doe'];
$dto->only('first_name')->toArray() // ['first_name' => 'John'];

class NonStrictDto extends DataTransferObject
    public string $name;

// This works
new NonStrictDto(
    name: 'name',
    unknown: 'unknown'

use \Spatie\DataTransferObject\Attributes\Strict;

class StrictDto extends DataTransferObject
    public string $name;

// This throws a \Spatie\DataTransferObject\Exceptions\UnknownProperties exception
new StrictDto(
    name: 'name',
    unknown: 'unknown'


    ->only('title', 'body')


$clone = $original->clone(other: ['name' => 'a']);

class Bar extends DataTransferObject
    /** @var \Spatie\DataTransferObject\Tests\Foo[] */
    public array $collectionOfFoo;

class Foo extends DataTransferObject
    public string $name;

class FooArrayCaster implements Caster
    public function cast(mixed $value): array
        if (! is_array($value)) {
            throw new Exception("Can only cast arrays to Foo");

        return array_map(
            fn (array $data) => new Foo(...$data),

class Bar extends DataTransferObject
    public CollectionOfFoo $collectionOfFoo;

class Foo extends DataTransferObject
    public string $name;

use Illuminate\Support\Collection;

class CollectionOfFoo extends Collection
    // Add the correct return type here for static analyzers to know which type of array this is 
    public function offsetGet($key): Foo
        return parent::offsetGet($key);

class FooCollectionCaster implements Caster
    public function cast(mixed $value): CollectionOfFoo
        return new CollectionOfFoo(array_map(
            fn (array $data) => new Foo(...$data),

class Bar extends DataTransferObject
    /** @var \Spatie\DataTransferObject\Tests\Foo[] */
    #[CastWith(ArrayCaster::class, itemType: Foo::class)]
    public array $collectionOfFoo;