PHP code example of sparkworldke / kopokopo-laravel-support
1. Go to this page and download the library: Download sparkworldke/kopokopo-laravel-support library. Choose the download type require.
2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.
3. Add this code to the index.php.
/* Start to develop here. Best regards */
sparkworldke / kopokopo-laravel-support example snippets
return [
// Set this to false if you cannot authenticate due to SSL certificate problem.
'curl_ssl_verify' => false,
// When you are testing in sandbox environment this remains true, to go to a live environment set it to false
'sandbox' => false,
/* The below values should not be hardcoded for security reason. Add these variables in .env
# This is the application id acquired after you create an Authorization application on the kopokopo dashboard
'client_id' => env('KOPOKOPO_CLIENT_ID', 'EXAMPLE_CLIENT_ID'),
# The kopokopo application client secret
# The kopokopo application api key
'api_key' => env('KOPOKOPO_API_KEY', 'EXAMPLE_APIKEY'),
// Define the scope of your applications control on kopokopo transaction. Using company will control transactions for all till numbers regardless
'scope' => 'till', //i.e company, till
// The business till number given to you by Kopokopo
'till_number' => '0000000',
// The business till number given to you by Kopokopo
'stk_till_number' => 'K000000',
// Preferred transacting currency i.e KES, USD, AUD
'currency' => 'KES',
// Webhooks are a means of getting notified on your laravel application of events in the Kopokopo application. i.e
// Below values will be used to register your webhooks on Kopokopo. For it to work, update the values and use Kopokopo::subscribeRegisteredWebhooks() to register
'webhooks' => [
'buygoods_transaction_received' => '',
'buygoods_transaction_reversed' => '',
'b2b_transaction_received' => '',
'm2m_transaction_received' => '',
'settlement_transfer_completed' => '',
'customer_created' => ''
// This webhook is used to get notified of a successful Mpesa stk payment
'stk_payment_received_webhook' => '',
use Kopokopo;
// Get the token
//introspect token
//revoke access token
// subscribe all webhooks registered in config file
$response = Kopokopo::authenticate($token)->subscribeRegisteredWebhooks();
//subscribe a specific webhook
$res = Kopokopo::authenticate($token)->subscribeWebhook(
event_type: 'buygoods_transaction_received',
url: '',
scope: 'till',
till: 7777777,
// HTTP/1.1 201 Created Location: