PHP code example of spacemudd / laravel-tap-payments

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download spacemudd/laravel-tap-payments library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


spacemudd / laravel-tap-payments example snippets

use Tap\TapPayment\Facade\TapPayment;

public function pay()
	try {
		$payment = TapPayment::createCharge();
		$payment->setCustomerName("John Doe");
		$payment->setCustomerPhone("965", "123456789");
		$payment->setDescription("Some description");
		$payment->setPostUrl(""); // if you are using post request to handle payment updates
		$payment->setMetaData(['package' => json_encode($package)]); // if you want to send metadata
		$invoice = $payment->pay();
	} catch( \Exception $exception ) {
		// your handling of request failure
    $payment->isSuccess(); // check if TapPayment has successfully handled request.

public function check($id)
	try {
		 $invoice = TapPayment::findCharge($id);
	 } catch(\Exception $exception) {
		// your handling of request failure

	$invoice->checkHash($request->header('Hashstring')); // check hashstring to make sure that request comes from Tap
	$invoice->isSuccess(); // check if invoice is paid
	$invoice->isInitiated(); // check if invoice is unpaid yet

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Tap\TapPayment\TapPaymentServiceProvider"