PHP code example of sp / fixture-dumper

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download sp/fixture-dumper library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


sp / fixture-dumper example snippets

$manager = ...; // entity or document manager
$registry = new \Sp\FixtureDumper\Converter\Handler\HandlerRegistry();
$registry->addSubscribingHandler(new \Sp\FixtureDumper\Converter\Handler\DateHandler());

// for creating fixtures classes
$generator = new \Sp\FixtureDumper\Generator\ClassFixtureGenerator();

// for creating yml files which can be loaded with the alice fixtures library
$ymlGenerator = new \Sp\FixtureDumper\Generator\Alice\YamlFixtureGenerator();

// for creating array files which can be loaded with the alice fixtures library
$arrayGenerator = new \Sp\FixtureDumper\Generator\Alice\ArrayFixtureGenerator();

$generatorMap = new \PhpCollection\Map(array('class' => $generator, 'yml' => $ymlGenerator, 'array' => $arrayGenerator));
$dumper = new \Sp\FixtureDumper\ORMDumper($manager, $registry, $generatorMap);
// or
$dumper = new \Sp\FixtureDumper\MongoDBDumper($manager, $registry, $generatorMap);
// $dumper->setDumpMultipleFiles(false);

// the second argument specifies the generator type you want to use
$dumper->dump('/your/workspace/src/Acme/DemoBundle/DataFixtures/ORM', 'array');

// ...
$dumper = new \Sp\FixtureDumper\ORMDumper($manager, $registry, $generatorMap);

// The entity Post and Comment won't be dumped
$exclusion = new ArrayExclusionStrategy(['Post', 'Acme\DemoBundle\Entity\Comment']);
