PHP code example of sound / sound-sdk-php-demo

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download sound/sound-sdk-php-demo library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


sound / sound-sdk-php-demo example snippets

use crichain\Creator;

$keyPair = Creator::keyPair();

use crichain\Creator;

 * 签名
 * @param string $privateKey 私钥
 * @param string $msg
 * @return string
 * @throws Exception
$sign = Creator::sign($keyPair['privateKey'], '123');

use crichain\Caller;

 * 获取账号信息
 * @param string $address 地址
 * @return array
 * @throws Exception
$accountInfo = Caller::getAccountInfo($keyPair['address']);

use crichain\Transfer;

 * construct
 * @param string $privateKey 私钥
 * @throws Exception
$transfer = new Transfer($keyPair['privateKey']);

 * 转账
 * @param string $to 转入地址
 * @param string $amount 转账金额
 * @return array|mixed
 * @throws Exception
$res = $transfer->safeTransfer('转入地址', '0.01');
//$res = $transfer->safeTransfer('转入地址', '0.01', 10); // 手动传入 nonce

use crichain\Caller;
use crichain\utils\Functions;

 * 实例化调用合约类
 * @param string $privateKey 私钥
 * @param string $nftType NFT配置,默认为NFT_A
$caller = new Caller($privateKey);

 * 铸造
 * @param string $contractAddress   合约地址
 * @param string $method  合约方法名:safeMint
 * @param array $params  合约参数数组:['转入地址','tokenId','token图片地址']
 * @param string $operateId  操作ID
 * @return array|mixed
 * @throws Exception
$r = $caller->callContract($contractAddress, 'safeMint',['xxxx','123',''], Functions::createOperateId());
var_dump($r); die;

 * 转移token
 * @param string $contractAddress   合约地址
 * @param string $method  合约方法名:safeTransfer
 * @param array $params  合约参数数组:['转出地址','转入地址','tokenId']
 * @param string $operateId  操作ID
 * @return array|mixed
 * @throws Exception
$r = $caller->callContract($contractAddress, 'safeTransfer',['xxx','xxx','123'],  Functions::createOperateId());
var_dump($r); die;

 * 销毁
 * @param string $contractAddress   合约地址
 * @param string $method  合约方法名:burn
 * @param array $params  合约参数数组:['tokenId']
 * @param string $operateId 操作ID
 * @return array|mixed
 * @throws Exception
$r = $caller->callContract($contractAddress, 'burn',['123'], Functions::createOperateId());
var_dump($r); die;

 * 获取tokenURI
 * @param string $contractAddress   合约地址
 * @param string $method  合约方法名:tokenURI
 * @param array $params  合约参数数组:['tokenId']
 * @return array|mixed
 * @throws Exception
$r = $caller->callContract($contractAddress, 'tokenURI',['123']);
var_dump($r); die;


 * 获取交易详情
 * @param string $hash 交易哈希
 * @return array
 * @throws Exception
$r = crichain\Caller::transactionInfo('xxx');
