PHP code example of somnambulist / enumeration

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download somnambulist/enumeration library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


somnambulist / enumeration example snippets

use Somnambulist\Enumeration\AbstractEnumeration;

final class HttpRequestMethod extends AbstractEnumeration
    const OPTIONS = 'OPTIONS';
    const GET = 'GET';
    const HEAD = 'HEAD';
    const POST = 'POST';
    const PUT = 'PUT';
    const DELETE = 'DELETE';
    const TRACE = 'TRACE';
    const CONNECT = 'CONNECT';

function handleHttpRequest(HttpRequestMethod $method, $url, $body = null)
    // handle request...

handleHttpRequest(HttpRequestMethod::GET(), '');
handleHttpRequest(HttpRequestMethod::POST(), '', 'foo=bar&baz=qux');

function handleHttpRequest(HttpRequestMethod $method, $url, $body = null)
    if ($method === HttpRequestMethod::POST()) {
        // handle POST requests...
    } else {
        // handle other requests...

use Somnambulist\Enumeration\AbstractMultiton;

final class Planet extends AbstractMultiton
     * Universal gravitational constant.
     * @var float
    const G = 6.67300E-11;

     * @return float
    public function surfaceGravity()
        return self::G * $this->mass / ($this->radius * $this->radius);

     * @param float $otherMass
     * @return float
    public function surfaceWeight($otherMass)
        return $otherMass * $this->surfaceGravity();

    protected static function initializeMembers()
        new static('MERCURY', 3.302e23,  2.4397e6);
        new static('VENUS',   4.869e24,  6.0518e6);
        new static('EARTH',   5.9742e24, 6.37814e6);
        new static('MARS',    6.4191e23, 3.3972e6);
        new static('JUPITER', 1.8987e27, 7.1492e7);
        new static('SATURN',  5.6851e26, 6.0268e7);
        new static('URANUS',  8.6849e25, 2.5559e7);
        new static('NEPTUNE', 1.0244e26, 2.4764e7);
        // Pluto will always be a planet to me!
        new static('PLUTO',   1.31e22,   1.180e6);

     * @param string $key
     * @param float  $mass
     * @param float  $radius
    protected function __construct($key, $mass, $radius)

        $this->mass = $mass;
        $this->radius = $radius;

    private $mass;
    private $radius;

$earthWeight = 175;
$mass = $earthWeight / Planet::EARTH()->surfaceGravity();

foreach (Planet::members() as $planet) {
    echo sprintf(
        'Your weight on %s is %f' . PHP_EOL,

class CustomHttpMethod extends HttpRequestMethod
    const PATCH = 'PATCH';

use Somnambulist\Enumeration\AbstractEnumeration;

abstract class AbstractHttpRequestMethod extends AbstractEnumeration
    const OPTIONS = 'OPTIONS';
    const GET = 'GET';
    const HEAD = 'HEAD';
    const POST = 'POST';
    const PUT = 'PUT';
    const DELETE = 'DELETE';
    const TRACE = 'TRACE';
    const CONNECT = 'CONNECT';

final class HttpRequestMethod extends AbstractHttpRequestMethod {}

final class CustomHttpMethod extends AbstractHttpRequestMethod
    const PATCH = 'PATCH';

function handleHttpRequest(HttpRequestMethod $method, $url, $body = null)
    // only handles normal requests...

function handleCustomHttpRequest(
    CustomHttpRequestMethod $method,
    $body = null
) {
    // handles normal requests, and custom requests...