PHP code example of solumdesignum / invoices

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download solumdesignum/invoices library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


solumdesignum / invoices example snippets


return [
    'templates' => [

    | Default Currency
    | This value is the default currency that is going to be used in invoices.
    | You can change it on each invoice individually.

    'currency' => 'EUR',

    | Default Decimal Precision
    | This value is the default decimal precision that is going to be used
    | to perform all the calculations.

    'decimals' => 2,

    | Default Invoice Logo
    | This value is the default invoice logo that is going to be used in invoices.
    | You can change it on each invoice individually.

    'logo' => '',

    | Default Invoice Logo Height
    | This value is the default invoice logo height that is going to be used in invoices.
    | You can change it on each invoice individually.

    'logo_height' => 60,

    | Default Invoice Buissness Details
    | This value is going to be the default attribute displayed in
    | the customer model.

    'business_details' => [
        'name' => env('APP_NAME', 'My Company'),
        'id' => '1234567890',
        'phone' => '+34 123 456 789',
        'location' => 'Main Street 1st',
        'zip' => '08241',
        'city' => 'Barcelona',
        'country' => 'Spain',

    | Default Invoice Footnote
    | This value is going to be at the end of the document, sometimes telling you
    | some copyright message or simple legal terms.

    'footnote' => '',

    | Default Tax Rates
    | This array group multiple tax rates.
    | The tax type accepted values are: 'percentage' and 'fixed'.
    | The percentage type calculates the tax depending on the invoice price, and
    | the fixed type simply adds a fixed amount to the total price.
    | You can't mix percentage and fixed tax rates.
    'tax_rates' => [
            'name' => '',
            'tax' => 0,
            'tax_type' => 'percentage',

    | Default Invoice Due Date
    | This value is the default due date that is going to be used in invoices.
    | You can change it on each invoice individually.
    | You can set it null to remove the due date on all invoices.
    'due_date' => date('M dS ,Y', strtotime('+3 months')),

    | Default pagination parameter
    | This value is the default pagination parameter.
    | If true and page count are higher than 1, pagination will show at the bottom.
    'with_pagination' => true,

    | Duplicate header parameter
    | This value is the default header parameter.
    | If true header will be duplicated on each page.
    'duplicate_header' => false,


$invoice = (new \SolumDeSignum\Invoices\Invoices())
                ->addItem('Test Item', 10.25, 2, "1412")
                ->addItem('Test Item 2', 5, 2, "923")
                ->addItem('Test Item 3', 15.55, 5, "42")
                ->addItem('Test Item 4', 1.25, 1, "923")
                ->addItem('Test Item 5', 3.12, 1, "3142")
                ->addItem('Test Item 6', 6.41, 3, "452")
                ->addItem('Test Item 7', 2.86, 1, "1526")
                ->addItem('Test Item 8', 5, 2, 923, '')
                ->setNotes('Lrem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.')
                    new Collection([
                        'name' => 'Oskars Germovs',
                        'id' => '12345678A',
                        'phone' => '+371 000 000 00',
                        'location' => 'C / Unknown Street 1st',
                        'zip' => '08241',
                        'city' => 'Manresa',
                        'country' => 'Spain',
                    new Collection([
                        'id' => '123456789',
                        'name' => 'Solum DeSignum',
                        'phone' => '+371 000 000 00',
                        'location' => 'C / Unknown Street 1st',
                        'zip' => 'LV-1046',
                        'city' => 'Riga',
                        'country' => 'Latvia',
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="SolumDeSignum\Invoices\InvoicesServiceProvider"