1. Go to this page and download the library: Download solophp/repository library. Choose the download type require.
2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.
3. Add this code to the index.php.
/* Start to develop here. Best regards https://php-download.com/ */
solophp / repository example snippets
interface RepositoryInterface
// Create a new record
public function create(array $data): int|false;
// Update existing record(s)
public function update(int|array $id, array $data): int;
// Delete a record
public function delete(int $id): int;
// Read records based on current query state
public function read(): array;
// Read a single record based on current query state
public function readOne(): ?object;
// Read all records
public function readAll(): array;
// Count records based on current query state
public function count(): int;
// Create an empty record with default values
public function createEmptyRecord(): object;
// Transaction management
public function beginTransaction(): bool;
public function commit(): bool;
public function rollback(): bool;
// Query building methods
public function withFilter(?array $filters): self;
public function withOrderBy(?string ...$order): self;
public function withSorting(?string $order, string $direction = 'ASC'): self;
public function withPage(?int $page, int $default = 1): self;
public function withLimit(?int $limit, int $default = 25): self;
public function withPrimaryKey(string $primaryKey): self;
public function withDistinct(bool $distinct = true): self;
new FilterConfig(
where: 'AND field = ?i', // WHERE condition or Closure
select: 'field AS alias', // Additional SELECT fields
joins: 'LEFT JOIN table', // Required JOINs
search: ['field1', 'field2'] // Searchable fields
class ProductsRepository extends Repository
protected string $table = 'products';
protected string $alias = 'p';
protected bool $distinct = false;
protected ?array $orderBy = ['created_at DESC', 'id DESC'];
protected function select(): string
return '
c.name AS category_name,
b.name AS brand_name
protected function joins(): string
return '
LEFT JOIN categories c ON c.id = p.category_id
LEFT JOIN brands b ON b.id = p.brand_id
protected function filters(): array
return [
// Simple filter
'id' => new FilterConfig(
where: 'AND p.id IN(?a)'
// Filter with negation
'!id' => new FilterConfig(
where: 'AND p.id NOT IN(?a)'
// Boolean filter
'enabled' => new FilterConfig(
where: 'AND p.enabled = ?i'
// Filter with additional data
'category_id' => new FilterConfig(
where: 'AND c.id IN(?a)',
select: 'c.path AS category_path',
joins: 'LEFT JOIN categories c ON c.id = p.category_id'
// Search functionality with multiple fields
'search' => new FilterConfig(
search: ['name', 'id', 'sku']
// Complex filter with callback
'custom_search' => new FilterConfig(
where: fn($value) => $this->buildCustomSearch($value),
select: 'b.name AS brand_name',
joins: 'LEFT JOIN brands b ON b.id = p.brand_id'
private function buildCustomSearch(string $value): string
//some logic
return $filter;
// Simple create
$id = $repository->create([
'name' => 'New Product',
'enabled' => 1
]); // Returns int ID or false
// Read with filters
$products = $repository
'enabled' => 1,
'category_id' => [1, 2, 3]
// Using search functionality
$products = $repository
'search' => 'keyword' // Search in default field (first in array)
$products = $repository
'search' => 'id:12345' // Search in specific field
$products = $repository
'search' => 'red shirt' // Multi-word search
// Read with pagination
$products = $repository
->withPage(2) // or ->withPage(null) for default page 1
->withLimit(20) // or ->withLimit(null) for default 25 items
// Read with custom defaults
$products = $repository
->withPage(null, 5) // use page 5 as default
->withLimit(null, 50) // use 50 items as default
// Read with sorting
$products = $repository
->withOrderBy('name', 'created_at DESC')
// Alternative sorting method
$products = $repository
->withSorting('name', 'DESC')
// Read with DISTINCT
$products = $repository
// Read one record
$product = $repository
->withFilter(['id' => 1])
// Read all records
$products = $repository->readAll();
// Count records
$count = $repository
->withFilter(['enabled' => 1])
// Update single record
$affected = $repository->update(1, [
'name' => 'Updated Name'
// Update multiple records
$affected = $repository->update([1, 2, 3], [
'enabled' => 0