PHP code example of solarismedia / select2input

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download solarismedia/select2input library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


solarismedia / select2input example snippets

$form = new Form;
$form->addSelect2('client_id', $clientRepository, 'Klient:')
	->setRequired('Vyberte klienta!')
$form->addSelect2Multiple('clients', $clientRepository, 'Klienti:')

namespace App\Model\Repository;

use TomasKarlik\Select2Input\ISelect2DataSource;
use TomasKarlik\Select2Input\Select2ResultEntity;

class ClientRepository implements ISelect2DataSource

	 * @param string $query
	 * @param int $limit
	 * @param int $offset
	 * @return Select2ResultEntity[]
	public function searchTerm(string $query, int $limit, int $offset): array
		$return = [];
		$selection = $this->getClientTable()
				'company ILIKE ?', '%' . $query . '%'
			->limit($limit, $offset);

		while ($row = $selection->fetch()) {
			$result = new Select2ResultEntity;
			$return[] = $result;
		return $return;

	 * @param string $query
	 * @return int
	public function searchTermCount(string $query): int
		return $this->getClientTable()
				'company ILIKE ?', '%' . $query . '%'

	 * @param mixed $key
	 * @return Select2ResultEntity|NULL
	public function findByKey($key): ?Select2ResultEntity
		if ( ! is_numeric($key)) {
			return NULL;

		$client = $this->getClientTable()->wherePrimary($key)->fetch();
		if ( ! $client) {
			return NULL;

		$result = new Select2ResultEntity;
		return $result;
