PHP code example of sokil / php-state

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download sokil/php-state library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


sokil / php-state example snippets

// create state machine builder
$machineBuilder = new MachineBuilder();

// configure states
    ->addState(function(StateBuilder $builder) {
    ->addState(function(StateBuilder $builder) {
                'label' => 'In progress'
    ->addState(function(StateBuilder $builder) {
// set initial state

// configure transitions between states
    ->addTransition(function(TransitionBuilder $builder) {
            ->setAcceptCondition(function() {
                // conditions when accepted to transit from "new" state to "in_progress"
                return true;
    ->addTransition(function(TransitionBuilder $builder) {
// create machine
$machine = $machineBuilder->getMachine();

// process transition
$state = $machine->process('set_in_progress')->getCurrentState();

$configuration = new YamlConfiguration('config.yaml');

// PHP Array
$configuration = new ArrayConfiguration('config.php');
// or
$configuration = new ArrayConfiguration([...state configuration...]);

$configuration = new JsonConfiguration('config.json');

// Configure
$machineBuilder = new MachineBuilder();
$machine = $machineBuilder->configure($configuration)->getMachine();

$configuration = new YamlConfiguration('config.yaml', ['pecl' => false]);