PHP code example of sokil / php-image

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download sokil/php-image library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


sokil / php-image example snippets

$image = new \Sokil\Image\Image($pathToImage);

$factory = new \Sokil\Image\Factory;



$newImage = $factory->resizeImage($image, $mode, $width, $height);

// through factory constructor
$factory = new \Sokil\Image\Factory([
    'namespace' => [
        'resize' => '\Vendor\ResizeStrategy',
// through factory method
// directly to image

$x = 10;
$y = 10;
$width = 20;
$height = 20;

$image->crop($x, $y, $width, $height);


$image->rotate(45, '#000000');

$image->rotate(45, '#8000FF00');




$factory->filterImage($image, 'greyscale');

// through factory constructor
$factory = new \Sokil\Image\Factory([
    'namespace' => [
        'filter' => '\Vendor\FilterStrategy',
// through factory method
// or directly to image

$someElement = $factory->createElement('someElement')->setParam1('someValue');

$image->appendElementAtPosition($someElement, 30, 30);

namespace Vendor\Elements;

class Circle extends \Sokil\Image\AbstractElement
    public function setRadius($r) { // code to set radius }
    public function draw($resource, $x, $y) 
        // code to draw circle on image $resouce at coordinates ($x, $y)

// through factory constructor
$factory = new \Sokil\Image\Factory([
    'namespace' => [
        'element' => '\Vendor\Element',
// through factory method

$circle = $factory->createElement('circle')->setRadiud(100);
$image->appendElementAtPosition($circle, 100, 100);

$textElement = $factory->createElement('text');
// or through helper 
$textElement = $factory->createTextElement();

$factory = new \Sokil\Image\Factory();
// text element
$element = $factory
    ->setText('hello world')
    ->setFont(__DIR__ . '/FreeSerif.ttf');

$image->appendElementAtPosition($element, 50, 150);

$factory->writeImage($image, 'jpeg', function(\Sokil\Image\WriteStrategy\JpegWriteStrategy $strategy) {

$factory->writeImage($image, 'jpeg', function(\Sokil\Image\WriteStrategy\JpegWriteStrategy $strategy) {

// through factory constructor
$factory = new \Sokil\Image\Factory([
    'namespace' => [
        'write' => '\Vendor\WriteStrategy',
// through factory method
// or directly to image
