PHP code example of sof3 / libasynql

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download sof3/libasynql library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


sof3 / libasynql example snippets

use pocketmine\plugin\PluginBase;
use poggit\libasynql\libasynql;

class Main extends PluginBase{
    private $database;

    public function onEnable(){
        $this->database = libasynql::create($this, $this->getConfig()->get("database"), [
            "sqlite" => "sqlite.sql",
            "mysql" => "mysql.sql"

    public function onDisable(){
        if(isset($this->database)) $this->database->close();

// Example of using variable in insert statements
$this->database->executeInsert("example.insert", ["foo" => "sample text", "bar" => 123]);

// Example of using variable in select statements
$this->database->executeSelect("", ["foo" => "sample text", "bar" => 1], function(array $rows) : void {
  foreach ($rows as $result) {
    echo $result["bar_column"];

public $foo = 'bar';

public function setFoo() : void {
	$this->foo = 'foo';

public function getFoo() : string {
	return $this->foo;

$this->database->executeGeneric("beware.of.race_condition", [], function() : void {
echo $this->getFoo();

$this->database->executeGeneric("beware.of.race_condition", [], function() : void {
	echo $this->getFoo();

public function myAPI(\Closure $userCallback)
    $this->database->executeSelect("beware.of.return_from_callback", [], function($result) use ($userCallback) : void {

    // Simpler versions:
    $this->database->executeSelect("beware.of.return_from_callback", [], fn($result) => $userCallback($result));
    $this->database->executeSelect("beware.of.return_from_callback", [], $userCallback);