PHP code example of snowsoft / schema

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download snowsoft/schema library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


snowsoft / schema example snippets

$processor = new Nette\Schema\Processor;

try {
	$normalized = $processor->process($schema, $data);
} catch (Nette\Schema\ValidationException $e) {
	echo 'Data is invalid: ' . $e->getMessage();

use Nette\Schema\Expect;

$schema = Expect::structure([
    'processRefund' => Expect::bool(),
    'refundAmount' => Expect::int(),

$data = [
    'processRefund' => true,
    'refundAmount' => 17,

$normalized = $processor->process($schema, $data); // OK, it passes

$data = [
    'refundAmount' => 17,

$normalized = $processor->process($schema, $data); // OK, it passes
// $normalized = {'processRefund' => null, 'refundAmount' => 17}

$schema = Expect::structure([
    'processRefund' => Expect::anyOf(true, false, 1, 0)->castTo('bool'),
    'refundAmount' => Expect::int(),

$normalized = $processor->process($schema, $data);
is_bool($normalized->processRefund); // true

Expect::string($default = null)
Expect::int($default = null)
Expect::float($default = null)
Expect::bool($default = null)
Expect::array($default = [])


$schema = Expect::arrayOf('string');

$processor->process($schema, ['hello', 'world']); // OK
$processor->process($schema, ['a' => 'hello', 'b' => 'world']); // OK
$processor->process($schema, ['key' => 123]); // ERROR: 123 is not a string

$schema = Expect::listOf('string');

$processor->process($schema, ['a', 'b']); // OK
$processor->process($schema, ['a', 123]); // ERROR: 123 is not a string
$processor->process($schema, ['key' => 'a']); // ERROR: is not a list
$processor->process($schema, [1 => 'a', 0 => 'b']); // ERROR: is not a list


$schema = Expect::listOf(
	Expect::anyOf('a', true, null)

$processor->process($schema, ['a', true, null, 'a']); // OK
$processor->process($schema, ['a', false]); // ERROR: false does not belong there

$schema = Expect::listOf(
	Expect::anyOf(Expect::string(), true, null)

$processor->process($schema, ['foo', true, null, 'bar']); // OK
$processor->process($schema, [123]); // ERROR

$schema = Expect::structure([
	', // the default value is null

$processor->process($schema, ['optional' => '']);
// ERROR: item '

$schema = Expect::structure([
	'optional' => Expect::string(),
	'nullable' => Expect::string()->nullable(),

$processor->process($schema, ['optional' => null]);
// ERROR: 'optional' expects to be string, null given.

$processor->process($schema, ['nullable' => null]);
// OK, returns {'optional' => null, 'nullable' => null}

$schema = Expect::structure([
	'key' => Expect::string(),

$processor->process($schema, ['additional' => 1]);
// ERROR: Unexpected item 'additional'

$schema = Expect::structure([
	'key' => Expect::string(),

$processor->process($schema, ['additional' => 1]); // OK
$processor->process($schema, ['additional' => true]); // ERROR

$schema = Expect::structure([
	'old' => Expect::int()->deprecated('The item %path% is deprecated'),

$processor->process($schema, ['old' => 1]); // OK
$processor->getWarnings(); // ["The item 'old' is deprecated"]

// array, at least 10 items, maximum 20 items

// string, at least 10 characters long, maximum 20 characters

// integer, between 10 and 20 inclusive

// string, maximum 20 characters

// just 9 digits

$countIsEven = function ($v) { return count($v) % 2 === 0; };

$schema = Expect::arrayOf('string')
	->assert($countIsEven); // the count must be even

$processor->process($schema, ['a', 'b']); // OK
$processor->process($schema, ['a', 'b', 'c']); // ERROR: 3 is not even

Expect::string()->assert('is_file'); // the file must exist

$schema = Expect::arrayOf('string')
	->assert($countIsEven, 'Even items in array');

$processor->process($schema, ['a', 'b', 'c']);
// Failed assertion "Even items in array" for item with value array.

class Config
	/** @var string */
	public $name;
	/** @var string|null */
	public $password;
	/** @var bool */
	public $admin = false;

$schema = Expect::from(new Config);

$data = [
	'name' => 'jeff',

$normalized = $processor->process($schema, $data);
// $normalized instanceof Config
// $normalized = {'name' => 'jeff', 'password' => null, 'admin' => false}

class Config
	public string $name;
	public ?string $password;
	public bool $admin = false;

$schema = Expect::from(new Config);

$schema = Expect::from(new class {
	public string $name;
	public ?string $password;
	public bool $admin = false;

$schema = Expect::from(new Config, [
	'name' => Expect::string()->pattern('\w:.*'),



$explode = function ($v) { return explode(' ', $v); };

$schema = Expect::arrayOf('string')

$normalized = $processor->process($schema, 'a b c');
// OK, returns ['a', 'b', 'c']