PHP code example of sngrl / mcurl

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download sngrl/mcurl library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


sngrl / mcurl example snippets

use MCurl\Client;
$client = new Client();

echo $client->get('');

$result = $client->get('');
echo (!$result->hasError()
    ? 'Ok: ' . $result
    : 'Error: ' .$result->error . ' ('.$result->errorCode.')')
    , PHP_EOL;

echo $client->get('', [CURLOPT_REFERER => '']);

echo $client->post('', ['post-key' => 'post-value'], [CURLOPT_REFERER => '']);

// @var $results Result[]
$results = $client->get(['', '']);
foreach($results as $result) {
    echo $result;
$urls = ['', '', ''];
foreach($urls as $url) {
    $client->add([CURLOPT_URL => $url]);
// wait all request
// @var $results Result[]
$results = $client->all();

$urls = ['', '', ''];
foreach($urls as $url) {
    $client->add([CURLOPT_URL => $url]);
while($result = $client->next()) {
    echo $result;

while($result = $client->next()) {
    $urls = fun_get_urls_for_parse_result($result);
    foreach($urls as $url) {
        $client->add([CURLOPT_URL => $url]);
    echo $result;

while($client->run() || $client->has()) {
    while($client->has()) {
        // no blocking
        $result = $client->next();
        echo $result;

    // more async code

    //end more async code

$result = $client->add([CURLOPT_URL => $url], ['id' => 7])->next();
echo $result->params['id']; // echo 7

// @var $result Result
$result->body; // string: body result
$result->json; // object; @see json_encode
$result->getJson(true); // array; @see json_encode
$result->headers['content-type']; // use $client->enableHeaders();
$result->info; // @see curl_getinfo();
$result->info['total_time']; // 0.001

$result->hasError(); // not empty curl_error or http code >=400
$result->hasError('network'); // only not empty curl_error
$result->hasError('http'); // only http code >=400
$result->getError(); // return message error, if ->hasError();
$result->httpCode; // return 200

$client->setOptions([CURLOPT_REFERER => '']);


$client->setMaxRequest(20); // set 20 parallel request

$client->setSleep (20, 1);

//channel 10 Mb.
$client->setMaxRequest (123);
$client->setOptions([CURLOPT_MAX_RECV_SPEED_LARGE => (10 * 1024 ^ 3) / 123]);

$client->get('', [CURLOPT_FILE => fopen('/tmp/image.jpg', 'w')]);

$client->setStreamResult(Client::STREAM_FILE); // All Result write in tmp file.

 * @see tests/ and source
    "hr/php-mcurl-client": "~3.0"