PHP code example of smoqadam / php-telegram-bot

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download smoqadam/php-telegram-bot library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


smoqadam / php-telegram-bot example snippets


$tg = new Telegram('API_TOKEN');

$tg->cmd('\/name:<<[a-zA-Z]{0,}>>', function ($args) use ($tg){
	$tg->sendMessage("my username is @".$args , $tg->getChatId());

$tg->cmd('\/number: <<:num>>' , function($args) use($tg){
	$tg->sendMessage("your number is : ".$args , $tg->getChatId());

$tg->cmd('Hello',function () use ($tg){
	$image = 'urltoqrcode.png';


sage = file_get_contents('php://input');

use Smoqadam\Telegram;

$tg = new Telegram('API_TOKEN');

$tg->cmd('\/name:<<[a-zA-Z]{0,}>>', function ($args) use ($tg){
		$tg->sendMessage("my username is @".$args , $tg->getChatId());

$tg->cmd('\/number: <<:num>>' , function($args) use($tg){
	$tg->sendMessage("your number is : ".$args , $tg->getChatId());

$tg->cmd('Hello',function () use ($tg){
	$image = 'urltoqrcode.png';

$tg->process(json_decode($message, true));