PHP code example of smith-carson / prosperworks-sdk

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download smith-carson/prosperworks-sdk library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


smith-carson / prosperworks-sdk example snippets

//runs GET /people/10 to retrieve a single record
$people = CRM::person()->find(10);

//runs GET /people multiple times (it's paged) until all entries are retrieved
$people = CRM::person()->all();
//there's no such operation in some endpoints; all() runs an empty /search, instead

//runs POST /people to generate a new record
$newPerson = CRM::person()->create(['name' => 'xxx']);

//runs PUT /people/25 to edit a given record
$person = CRM::person()->edit(25, ['name' => 'xxx']);

//runs DELETE /people/10 to destroy that record
$bool = CRM::person()->delete(10);

//runs POST /people/search with the given parameters until all entries are found (it's paged)
$people = CRM::person()->search(['email' => '[email protected]']);

//plural calls do the same as the singular all() call
$people = CRM::people();       //same as CRM::person()->all()
$tasks = CRM::tasks();         //same as CRM::task()->all()
$companies = CRM::companies(); //same as CRM::company()->all()

//there's also two other types of magic calls
$people = CRM::person(23);                  //same as CRM::person()->find(23)
$people = CRM::person(['country' => 'US']); //same as CRM::person()->search(...)

$types = CRM::fieldList('contactType'); //singular!
// gives an array of names, indexed by ID:
// (
//     [123] => Potential Customer
//     [124] => Current Customer
//     [125] => Uncategorized
//     [126] => Former Customer
// )

echo CRM::fieldList('contactType', 524131); //search argument
// prints "Potential Customer". That argument searches on both sides of the array

$actTypes = CRM::fieldList('activityType', null, true); //asks for "detailed response"
// gives the entire resources, still indexed by ID
//     [166] => stdClass Object
//         (
//             [id] => 166
//             [category] => user
//             [name] => Social Media 
//             [is_disabled] => 
//             [count_as_interaction] => 1
//      )
//     [...]
// )

// you always have to feed the origin resource ID to related()
// and then call the operation you want, like:
$tasks = CRM::task()->related(10)->all();              //lists all
$task_projects = CRM::task()->related(22)->projects(); //lists specific type
$task_project = CRM::task()->related(22)->create(10, 'project'); //create one
$task_project = CRM::task()->related(22)->delete(27, 'project'); //and remove

//this call is using a simple generator
$thousandsOfTasksQueryResult = [...];
$allTasks = CRM::task()->createMany(function() use ($thousandsOfTasksQueryResult) {
    foreach ($thousandsOfTasksQueryResult as $task) {
        yield [
            'name' => $task->name,
            'due_date' => $task->dueDate->format('U'),
            'status' => $task->completed? 'Completed' : 'Open'

// as that's a batch operation, it seemed unsafe to throw harsh errors.
// thus, success will give an object of data, while errors return a simple message
$toDelete = [];
foreach ($allTasks as $response) {
    if (is_object($response) {
        $toDelete[] = $response->id;
    } else {
        $logger->warning("Couldn't create Task: $response");

//here we use a plain list of arguments: you have to unpack the array

use ProsperWorks\SubResources\Relation;

$relClientsQuery = [...];
CRM::task()->relatedBatch()->create(function() use ($relClientsQuery, $pwTaskId) {
    foreach ($relatedClientsQuery as $client) {
        // this would generate an array of Relation() objects, indexed by the same ID
        // causes no error; this won't become a real array (thus, with keys conflicts)
        yield new $pwTaskId => new Relation($client->id, 'company');

        // the following would also work
        //yield new $pwTaskId => ['id' => $client->id, 'type' => 'company'];

$peopleRes = CRM::person();
$client = $peopleRes->find($clientId);
$tags = array_merge($client->tags, 'new tag');
$peopleRes->edit($clientId, compact('tags'));

$sherlock = new Address('221B Baker St. suite 2', 'London');
// same as  new Address(['221B Baker St.', '2'], 'London');
// same as  new Address(['221B Baker St.', 'suite 2'], 'London');
echo $sherlock->street;  //'221B Baker St. suite 2'
echo $sherlock->address; //'221B Baker St.'
echo $sherlock->suite;   //'2'

$nemo = new Address('42 Wallaby Way', 'Sydney');
echo $nemo->street;  //'42 Wallaby Way'
echo $nemo->address; //'42 Wallaby Way'
echo $nemo->suite;   //null

//and then, use at will:
    'name' => 'P. Sherman',
    'address' => $nemo

$person = CRM::person()->create([
    'name' => 'John Doe',
    'custom_fields' => [
        new CustomField('Alias', 'Johnny Doe')

// ProsperWorks\Resources\BareResource Object (
//     [id] => 12340904
//     [name] => John Doe
//     [custom_fields] => Array (
//         [Alias] => ProsperWorks\SubResources\CustomField Object (
//             [custom_field_definition_id] => 128903
//             [value] => Johnny Doe
//             [name:protected] => Alias
//             [valueName:protected] =>
//             [...]
//         )
//     )
//     [custom_fields_raw] => Array (
//         [0] => stdClass Object (
//             [custom_field_definition_id] => 128903
//             [value] => Johnny Doe
//         )
//         [1] => stdClass Object (
//             [custom_field_definition_id] => 124953
//             [value] =>
//         )
//     )
//     [...]
// )