PHP code example of smhsw / easy-bytedance-miniapp
1. Go to this page and download the library: Download smhsw/easy-bytedance-miniapp library . Choose the download type require .
2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.
3. Add this code to the index.php.
/* Start to develop here. Best regards */
smhsw / easy-bytedance-miniapp example snippets
// 配置好config...
$app = new Application($config);
$code = $app->app_code->get();
$file = fopen(__DIR__ . '/code.png', 'w+');
fwrite($file, $code);
// 配置好config,获取登录用户openid, session_key
$app = new Application($config);
$openId = 'openid';
$sessionKey = 'session_key';
$kvList = [
['key' => 'custom-key', 'value' => 'custom-value']
$app->user_storage->set($openId, $sessionKey, $kvList);
// 配置好config,获取登录用户openid, session_key
$app = new Application($config);
$openId = 'openid';
$sessionKey = 'session_key';
$keys = ['custom_key'];
$app->user_storage->remove($openId, $sessionKey, $keys);
// 配置好config
$app = new Application($config);
$data = [
'app_id' => '800000000001',
'merchant_id' => '1900000001',
'timestamp' => 1570694312,
'sign_type' => 'MD5',
'out_order_no' => '201900000000000001',
'total_amount' => 1,
'product_code' => 'pay',
'payment_type' => 'direct',
'trade_type' => 'H5',
'version' => '2.0',
'currency' => 'CNY',
'subject' => '测试订单',
'body' => '测试订单',
'uid' => '0000000000000001',
'trade_time' => 1570585744,
'valid_time' => 300,
'notify_url' => '',
'risk_info' => '{"ip":""}',
'wx_type' => 'MWEB',
'wx_url' => '',
'alipay_url' => 'app_id=2019000000000006&biz_content=xxxx'
// 0f1e3358a9898d7c4c6c23740251808a