PHP code example of smartemailing / types

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download smartemailing/types library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


smartemailing / types example snippets

declare(strict_types = 1);

use SmartEmailing\Types\Emailaddress;
use SmartEmailing\Types\InvalidTypeException;

// Valid input

$emailaddress = Emailaddress::from('[email protected]'); // returns Emailaddress object
$emailaddress = Emailaddress::from($emailaddress); // returns original $emailaddress

// Invalid input

$emailaddress = Emailaddress::from('bla bla'); // throws InvalidTypeException
$emailaddress = Emailaddress::from(1); // throws InvalidTypeException
$emailaddress = Emailaddress::from(false); // throws InvalidTypeException
$emailaddress = Emailaddress::from(null); // throws InvalidTypeException
$emailaddress = Emailaddress::from([]); // throws InvalidTypeException
$emailaddress = Emailaddress::from(new \StdClass()); // throws InvalidTypeException

// Nullables

$emailaddress = Emailaddress::fromOrNull(null); // returns NULL
$emailaddress = Emailaddress::fromOrNull('bla bla'); // throws InvalidTypeException
$emailaddress = Emailaddress::fromOrNull('bla bla', true); // returns null instead of throwing

use SmartEmailing\Types\Emailaddress;
use SmartEmailing\Types\InvalidTypeException;

$input = [
	'emailaddress' => '[email protected]',
	'already_types_emailaddress' => Emailaddress::from('[email protected]'),
	'invalid_data' => 'bla bla',

// Valid input

$emailaddress = Emailaddress::extract($input, 'emailaddress'); // returns Emailaddress object
$emailaddress = Emailaddress::extract($input, 'already_types_emailaddress'); // returns original Emailaddress object

// Invalid input

$emailaddress = Emailaddress::extract($input, 'invalid_data'); // throws InvalidTypeException
$emailaddress = Emailaddress::extract($input, 'not_existing_key'); // throws InvalidTypeException

// Nullables 

$emailaddress = Emailaddress::extractOrNull($input, 'not_existing_key'); // returns null
$emailaddress = Emailaddress::extractOrNull($input, 'invalid_data'); //  throws InvalidTypeException
$emailaddress = Emailaddress::extractOrNull($input, 'invalid_data', true); // returns null instead of throwing

// Default values
	= Emailaddress::extractOrNull($input, 'not_existing_key') 
	?? Emailaddress::from('[email protected]'); 
	// uses null coalescing operator to assign default value if key not present or null

	= Emailaddress::extractOrNull($input, 'not_existing_key', true) 
	?? Emailaddress::from('[email protected]'); 
	// uses null coalescing operator to assign default value if key not present or null or invalid

		'from' => 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS',
		'to' => 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS',

		'value' => 1,
		'unit' => TimeUnit::HOURS,

	'1 hours'

		'street_and_number' => '29 Neibolt Street',
		'town' => 'Derry',
		'zip_code' => '03038',
		'country' => 'US',

		'with_vat' => 432.1,
		'without_vat' => 123.45,
		'currency' => CurrencyCode::EUR,

		'login' => 'admin',
		'password' => 'BLzW75kJxEa7YXuqF9Di',

		'key' => 'overlook',
		'value' => 'all_work_and_no_play_makes_jack_a_dull_boy',


// duplicate values will be discarted
// keys are ignored

		1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4 

// duplicate values will be discarted
// keys are ignored

		'all work and no play makes jack a dull boy',
		'all work and no play makes jack a dull boy',
		'all work and no play makes jack a dull boy',


declare(strict_types = 1);

use SmartEmailing\Types\Arrays;
use SmartEmailing\Types\BoolArray;
use SmartEmailing\Types\BoolType;
use SmartEmailing\Types\FloatArray;
use SmartEmailing\Types\FloatType;
use SmartEmailing\Types\IntArray;
use SmartEmailing\Types\IntType;
use SmartEmailing\Types\StringArray;
use SmartEmailing\Types\StringType;
use SmartEmailing\Types\InvalidTypeException;

IntType::from(666); // 666
IntType::from('666'); // 666
IntType::from(666.1); // throws InvalidTypeException
IntType::from('abcd'); // throws InvalidTypeException
IntType::from('abcd'); // throws InvalidTypeException
IntType::fromOrNull(null); // null
IntType::fromOrNull(1); // 1
IntType::fromOrNull('abcd'); // throws InvalidTypeException
IntType::fromOrNull('abcd', true); // null

FloatType::from(1.1); // 1.1
FloatType::from('1.1'); // 1.1
FloatType::from(1); // 1.0
FloatType::from('1'); // 1.0
FloatType::from('xxx'); // throws InvalidTypeException
FloatType::fromOrNull(null); // null
FloatType::fromOrNull(1.0); // 1.0
FloatType::fromOrNull('abcd'); // throws InvalidTypeException
FloatType::fromOrNull('abcd', true); // null

StringType::from('xxx'); // 'xxx'
StringType::from(5); // '5'
StringType::from(5.0); // '5'
StringType::from(5.1); // '5.1'
StringType::fromOrNull(null); // null
StringType::fromOrNull('abcd'); // 'abcd'
StringType::fromOrNull([]); // throws InvalidTypeException
StringType::fromOrNull([], true); // null

BoolType::from(true); // true
BoolType::from(false); // false
BoolType::from(1); // true
BoolType::from(0); // false
BoolType::from('1'); // true
BoolType::from('0'); // false
BoolType::from('true'); // true
BoolType::from('false'); // false

Arrays::from([1, 2]); // [1, 2]
Arrays::from([1, 'abcd']); // [1, 'abcd']

IntArray::from([1, '2']); // [1, 2]
IntArray::fromOrNull([1, '2']); // returns int[]|null

FloatArray::from([1, '2']); // [1.0, 2.0]
FloatArray::fromOrNull([1, '2']); // returns float[]|null

StringArray::from([1, '2']); // ['1', '2']
StringArray::fromOrNull([1, '2']); // returns string[]|null

BoolArray::from([1, '1']); // [true, true]
BoolArray::fromOrNull([1, '1']); // returns bool[]|null

// All primitive types have their extract equivalent:

IntType::extract($data, 'key');
IntType::extractOrNull($data, 'key');
IntType::extractOrNull($data, 'key', true);

StringType::extract($data, 'key');
StringType::extractOrNull($data, 'key');
StringType::extractOrNull($data, 'key', true);

FloatType::extract($data, 'key');
FloatType::extractOrNull($data, 'key');
FloatType::extractOrNull($data, 'key', true);

Arrays::extract($data, 'key'); //returns mixed[]
Arrays::extractOrNull($data, 'key'); //returns mixed[]|null

IntArray::extract($data, 'key'); //returns int[]
IntArray::extractOrNull($data, 'key'); //returns int[]|null

FloatArray::extract($data, 'key'); //returns float[]
FloatArray::extractOrNull($data, 'key'); //returns float[]|null

StringArray::extract($data, 'key'); //returns string[]
StringArray::extractOrNull($data, 'key'); //returns string[]|null

BoolArray::extract($data, 'key'); //returns bool[]
BoolArray::extractOrNull($data, 'key'); //returns bool[]|null