PHP code example of slashid / laravel

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download slashid/laravel library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


slashid / laravel example snippets

// config/slashid.php

return [
    'login_form_configuration' => [
        'factors' => [
            ['method' => 'webauthn'],
            ['method' => 'email_link'],
        // Uncomment to enable the dark theme.
        // 'theme-props' => ['theme' => 'dark'],

// config/slashid.php

return [
    'login_form_configuration' => [
        'factors' => [
            ['method' => 'webauthn'],
            ['method' => 'email_link'],
            ['method' => 'password'],
        // Uncomment to enable the dark theme.
        // 'theme-props' => ['theme' => 'dark'],

// config/slashid.php

return [
    'login_form_configuration' => [
        'factors' => [
            ['method' => 'webauthn'],
            ['method' => 'email_link'],
        'theme-props' => ['theme' => 'dark'],

// config/slashid.php

return [
    'login_form_css_override' => [
        '--sid-color-primary' => '#f00',

// web.php

Route::get('/content-management', function () {
    // Route that only someone in the group "Editor" can access.

Route::get('/admin', function () {
    // Route that only someone in the group "Admin" can access.

// web.php

Route::get('/group/Admin-OR-Editor', function () {
    // Route that someone in the group "Admin", OR in the group "Editor", OR in the group "Reviewer" can access.

Route::get('/very-secure-page', function () {
    // Route that is only accessed by someone *both* in the "Admin" and "Editor" groups.

if ($user->hasGroup('Editor')) {
    // Do things that only an "Editor" user can do.

if ($user->hasAnyGroup(['Admin', 'Editor', 'Reviewer'])) {
    // Do things that someone in the group "Admin", OR in the group "Editor", OR
    // in the group "Reviewer" can do.

if ($user->hasAllGroups(['Admin', 'Editor'])) {
    // Do things that only someone that is in *both* "Admin" and "Editor" groups
    // can do.

// Shows the user groups as a list of strings.

// some-template.blade.php

@if (auth()->user())

    <p>You are logged in</p>

    @if (auth()->user()->hasGroup('Editor'))

        <p>Information Editors can access.</p>


    @if (auth()->user()->hasGroup('Admin'))

        <p>Information Admins can access.</p>


    @if (auth()->user()->hasAnyGroup(['Admin', 'Editor']))

        <p>Information both Editors & Admins can access.</p>



    <p>You are NOT logged in</p>


// app/Listeners/WebhookListener.php

namespace App\Listeners;

use SlashId\Laravel\Events\WebhookEvent;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Queue\ShouldQueue;
use Illuminate\Queue\InteractsWithQueue;

class WebhookListener
     * Handle the event.
    public function handle(WebhookEvent $event): void

// app/Providers/EventServiceProvider.php

namespace App\Providers;

use App\Listeners\WebhookListener;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Support\Providers\EventServiceProvider as ServiceProvider;
use SlashId\Laravel\Events\WebhookEvent;

class EventServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
     * The event to listener mappings for the application.
     * @var array<class-string, array<int, class-string>>
    protected $listen = [
        WebhookEvent::class => [

    // ... rest of the class provided by Laravel ...

use SlashId\Laravel\SlashIdUser;

/** @var \Illuminate\Contracts\Auth\Authenticatable[] */
$laravelUsers = \App\Models\User::all();
$slashIdUsers = [];
foreach ($laravelUsers as $laravelUser) {
    $slashIdUser = new SlashIdUser();
        // Uncomment if you want to set the phone number.
        // ->addPhoneNumber($laravelUser->phone_number)
        // Uncomment if you want to set groups.
        // ->setGroups(['Editor'])
        // Uncomment if you want to specify a region for the user.
        // ->setRegion('us-iowa')
        ->setBucketAttributes(\SlashId\Php\PersonInterface::BUCKET_ORGANIZATION_END_USER_NO_ACCESS, [
            // List the user attributes you want to migrate, grouped by bucket.
            'old_id' => $laravelUser->getAuthIdentifier(),
            'firstname' => $laravelUser->firstname,
            'email_verified_at' => $laravelUser->email_verified_at,
            'lastname' => $laravelUser->lastname,
            'username' => $laravelUser->username,

    $slashIdUsers[] = $slashIdUser;

return $slashIdUsers;

// resources/views/vendor/slashid/login.blade.php

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="SlashId\Laravel\Providers\SlashIdServiceProvider"

php artisan slashid:webhook:register proxied_webhook PasswordChanged_v1 --base-url=

php artisan slashid:webhook:list

php artisan slashid:webhook:delete 065e5237-c1c4-7a96-ab00-783ef0cbd002

$ php artisan slashid:import:create-script

 Please inform the class of the user model [\App\Models\User]:

The Slash ID migration script has been created at /var/www/html/database/slashid/user-migration.php. Please open the file and modify it according to the instructions in it.