PHP code example of slashequip / attempt

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download slashequip/attempt library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


slashequip / attempt example snippets

use SlashEquip\Attempt\Attempt;

$attempt = new Attempt();

$attempt = Attempt::make();

    ->try(function () {
        // My code that may or may not work.

// $valueOne will be true
$valueOne = $attempt
    ->try(function () {
        return true;

// $valueTwo will be false
$valueTwo = $attempt
    ->try(function () {
        return true;
    ->then(function ($result) {
        return !$result;

// $valueThree will be true
$valueThree = $attempt
    ->try(function () {
        return true;

$valueOne = $attempt
    ->try(function () {
        throw new RuntimeException();
// The above code would be run 5 times before throwing the RuntimeException

    ->try(function () {
        throw new UnexpectedException;

// In this example; only one attempt would be made and a UnexpectedException would be thrown

    ->try(function () {
        throw new AnExpectedException;
    ->catch(AnExpectedException::class, function (AnExpectedException $e) {
        return new NullBlogPost();

    ->try(function () {
        throw new RuntimeException();
// The above exception would not bubble up and instead, simply, be swallowed.

    ->try(function () {
        throw new UnexpectedException;
    ->finally(function () {
        // run some clean up.

// In this example; the finally callback would be run before the UnexpectedException is thrown

    ->try(function () use ($data) {
        throw new UnexpectedException;

// In this example, there would be a pause of 250 milliseconds between each attempt.

use SlashEquip\Attempt\Attempt;
use GuzzleHttp\Exception\ClientException;

$blogPost = Attempt::make()
    ->try(function () use ($data) {
        return UnstableBlogApiServiceUsingGuzzle::post([
           'data' => $data,
    ->catch(ClientException::class, function (ClientException $e) {
        error_log("Unstable blog api service is causing issues again.")
        return new BlogPost::nullableObject();
    ->then(function ($apiResponse) {
        return BlogPost::fromApiResponse($apiResponse);