PHP code example of slack-php / slack-app-framework

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download slack-php/slack-app-framework library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


slack-php / slack-app-framework example snippets

use SlackPhp\Framework\App;
use SlackPhp\Framework\Context;

    ->command('cool', function (Context $ctx) {
        $ctx->ack(':thumbsup: That is so cool!');


use SlackPhp\BlockKit\Surfaces\{Message, Modal};
use SlackPhp\Framework\{App, Context, Route};

// Helper for creating a modal with the "hello-form" for choosing a greeting.
$createModal = function (): Modal {
    return Modal::new()
        ->title('Choose a Greeting')
        ->tap(function (Modal $modal) {
                ->label('Which Greeting?')
                ->placeholder('Choose a greeting...');

    // Handles the `/hello` slash command.
    ->command('hello', function (Context $ctx) {
        $ctx->ack(Message::new()->tap(function (Message $msg) {
                ->mrkdwnText(':wave: Hello world!')
                ->text('Choose a Greeting');
    // Handles the "open-form" button click.
    ->blockAction('open-form', function (Context $ctx) use ($createModal) {
    // Handles when the "greeting" select menu needs its options.
    ->blockSuggestion('greeting', function (Context $ctx) {
        $ctx->options(['Hello', 'Howdy', 'Good Morning', 'Hey']);
    // Handles when the "hello-form" modal is submitted.
    ->viewSubmission('hello-form', function (Context $ctx) {
        $state = $ctx->payload()->getState();
        $greeting = $state->get('greeting-block.greeting.selected_option.value');
        $ctx->view()->update(":wave: {$greeting} world!");
    // Handles when the "hello-form" modal is closed without submitting.
    ->viewClosed('hello-form', function (Context $ctx) {
        $ctx->logger()->notice('User closed hello-form modal early.');
    // Handles when the "hello-global" global shortcut is triggered from the lightning menu.
    ->globalShortcut('hello-global', function (Context $ctx) use ($createModal) {
    // Handles when the "hello-message" message shortcut is triggered from a message context menu.
    ->messageShortcut('hello-message', function (Context $ctx) {
        $user = $ctx->fmt()->user($ctx->payload()->get('message.user'));
        $ctx->say(":wave: Hello {$user}!", null, $ctx->payload()->get('message.ts'));
    // Handles when the Hello World app "home" is accessed.
    ->event('app_home_opened', function (Context $ctx) {
        $user = $ctx->fmt()->user($ctx->payload()->get('event.user'));
        $ctx->home(":wave: Hello {$user}!");
    // Handles when any public message contains the word "hello".
    ->event('message', Route::filter(
        ['event.channel_type' => 'channel', 'event.text' => 'regex:/^.*hello.*$/i'],
        function (Context $ctx) {
            $user = $ctx->fmt()->user($ctx->payload()->get('event.user'));
            $ctx->say(":wave: Hello {$user}!");
    // Run that app to process the incoming Slack request.


namespace MyApp;

use SlackPhp\Framework\{BaseApp, Route, Router};
use MyApp\Listeners;

class MyCoolApp extends BaseApp
    protected function prepareRouter(Router $router): void
        $router->command('hello', Listeners\HelloCommand::class)
            ->blockAction('open-form', Listeners\OpenFormButtonClick::class)
            ->blockSuggestion('greeting', Listeners\GreetingOptions::class)
            ->viewSubmission('hello-form', Listeners\FormSubmission::class)
            ->viewClosed('hello-form', Listeners\FormClosed::class)
            ->globalShortcut('hello-global', Listeners\HelloGlobalShortcut::class)
            ->messageShortcut('hello-message', Listeners\HelloMessageShortcut::class)
            ->event('app_home_opened', Listeners\AppHome::class)
            ->event('message', Route::filter(
                ['event.channel_type' => 'channel', 'event.text' => 'regex:/^.*hello.*$/i'],

use MyApp\MyCoolApp;

$app = new MyCoolApp();