PHP code example of skrip42 / cachelayer-bundle

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download skrip42/cachelayer-bundle library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


skrip42 / cachelayer-bundle example snippets

//redis cache example
namespace App\Services\Cache;

use Skrip42\Bundle\CacheLayerBundle\CacheInterface;
use App\Services\Redis;

class RedisCache implements CacheInterface
    private $client;

    /** @m string $method    request method
     * @param array  $params    request params
     * @param array  $attr      custom attribute
     * @return bool
    public function has(
        string $method,
        array $params,
        array $attr
    ) : bool {
        return $this->client->exists(
            $this->getKey($instance, $method, $params)

     * Get value from cache
     * @param mixed  $instance  request service instance
     * @param string $method    request method
     * @param array  $params    request params
     * @param array  $attr      custom attribute
     * @return mixed
    public function get(
        string $method,
        array $params,
        array $attr
    ) {
        return unserialize($this->client->get(
            $this->getKey($instance, $method, $params)

     * Set data to cache
     * @param mixed  $instance  request service instance
     * @param string $method    request method
     * @param array  $params    request params
     * @param mixed  $data      service return value
     * @param array  $attr      custom attribute
    public function set(
        string $method,
        array $params,
        array $attr
    ) {
        $ttl = empty($attr['ttl']) ? 0 : $attr['ttl'];
            $this->getKey($instance, $method, $params),
     * Clear cache
     * @param mixed  $instance  request service instance
     * @param string $method    request method
     * @param array  $params    request params
     * @param array  $attr      custom attribute
    public function clear(
        string $method,
        array $params,
        array $attr
    ) {
        $pattern = get_class($instance) . '::' . $method . '*';
        $pattern = str_replace('\\', '\\\\', $pattern); //escape '\'
        $keys = $this->client->keys($pattern);

    public function getKey($instance, string $method, array $params) : string
        return get_class($instance) . '::' . $method . '[' . serialize($params) . ']';

      * @Cache(
      *      RedisCache::class,
      *      attribute = {
      *          "ttl" = 900
      *      }
      * )
    public function foo(...) {
        //do something

     * @Cache(LocalCache::class) //execute first
     * @Cache(RedisCache::class) //if LocalCache exist value, RedisCache will not be called
    public function foo(...)

     * @Cache(
     *      RedisCache::class,
     *      attribute = {
     *          "ttl" = 900 //this attribute will be passed to all method of RedisCache
     *      }
     * )
    public function foo(...)

     * @Cache(
     *      RedisCache::class,
     *      ignore_params = {
     *          "param"
     *      }
     * )
    public function foo(bool $param) // the cache for foo (three) is the same as for foo (false)

     * @Cache(
     *      RedisCache::class,
     *      condition = {
     *          "nocache" = false // execute only if $nocache = false
     *      }
     * )
    public function foo(bool $nocache = false)

     * @Cache(
     *      RedisCache::class,
     *      attribute = {
     *          "target" = "getData"
     *      }
     *      action = "clear" //cache chear method will be called when setData is called
     * )
    public function setData(...)

    public function clear(
        string $method,
        array $params,
        array $attr
    ) {
        if (!empty($attr['target'])) {
            $pattern = get_class($instance) . '::' . $attr['target'] . '*';
        } else {
            $pattern = get_class($instance) . '::' . $method . '*';

     * @Cache(
     *      RedisCache::class,
     *      action = "actualize" //cache chear method will be called when setData is called
     * )
    public function setData(...)

     * @Cache(
     *      RedisCache::class,
     *      actualize_condition = { //cache willbe actualize when foo is called eitch $actualize = true parameters
     *          "actualize" = true
     *      },
     *      clear_condition = { //cache chear method will be called when foo is called witch $clear = true parameters
     *          "clear" = true
     *      },
     *      ignore_params = {
     *          "clear", "actualize"
     *      }
     * )
    public function foo(bool $clear, bool $actualize)

use Skrip42\Bundle\CacheLayerBundle\CacheManager;
use App\Services\SomeClass;


$cacheAccessor = CacheManager::getBy(SomeClass::class); //return CacheAccessor instance

class CacheAccessor
    has(string $methodName, array $params = [], array $attr = []) : bool;
    find(string $methodName, array $params = [], array $attr = []) : array; //return array of CacheInterface witch the value is founded;
    get(string $methodName, array $params = [], array $attr = []);
    set(string $methodName, $data, $params = [], array $attr = []);
    clear(string $methodName, $params = [], array $attr = []);

    getLayer(string $cacheServiceName) : CacheAccessor; //return cache accessor for specific cache class (get RedisCache only for example)
    getCacheMap() : array; //return cache map schem for current object

 * @AdditionalCache(
 *      "additionalCacheName", //virtual method name
 *      layers = {             //cache layers
 *          @Cache(RedisCache::class, attribute={"ttl" = 86400}) //just @Cache annotation
 *      }
 * )
class SomeClass