PHP code example of skrip42 / api-skeleton

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download skrip42/api-skeleton library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


skrip42 / api-skeleton example snippets

/** in you controller */

class CustomController extends AbstractApiController //extends AbstractApiController
    public function sameMethod() : Response
        //use api(mixed $data, array $meta = []) method to serialize response
        return $this->api($dataOrEntity);


    //in you entity/DOT class
    /** @Groups("groupName") */
    private $field; //add annotation to filed

    /** @Groups("groupName") */
    public function GetField(): fieldtype //or to you public method

    //in you controller
    return $this->api(
            'groups' => 'groupName'

    //in you controller print some like this
    $page = $request->query->getInt('page', 1);
    $count = $repository->count([]);
    $perPage = $request->query->getInt('perPage', $count);
    $sort = $request->query->get('sort');
    $entities = $repository->findBy(
        $perPage * ($page - 1)
            'currentPage' => $page,
            'perPage' => $perPage,
            'pagesTotal' => ceil($count / $perPage)

use App\Exceptions\ApiException;
throw new ApiException($message, $statusCode);