PHP code example of skpassegna / old-freemius-php-sdk

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download skpassegna/old-freemius-php-sdk library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


skpassegna / old-freemius-php-sdk example snippets

use Freemius\Exceptions\Freemius_Exception;

// Your Freemius credentials (obtain these from your Freemius dashboard)
$scope = 'plugin'; // Use 'developer' if working across multiple plugins, 'install' for a single installation, or 'user' for user-related actions.
$id = YOUR_PLUGIN_ID;  // Replace with your plugin/developer/install/user ID, depending on the scope.
$publicKey = 'pk_YOUR_PUBLIC_KEY'; // Replace with your public key
$secretKey = 'sk_YOUR_SECRET_KEY'; // Replace with your secret key
$isSandbox = false; // Set to true for sandbox mode

$fs = new Freemius($scope, $id, $publicKey, $secretKey, $isSandbox);

try {
    if ($fs->Test()) { // Test Connectivity to Freemius API
        echo "Freemius connection successful!\n";
        $plugin = $fs->Api('/.json'); // Retrieves current plugin's information (potentially logging the error or displaying a user-friendly message.
    // You can access more details about the error using $e->getResult().
} catch (\Exception $e) {
    echo "Error: " . $e->getMessage() . "\n";
    // Handle other exceptions

$response = $fs->Api('/endpoint.json', 'GET', $params, $fileParams); 

$signedUrl = $fs->GetSignedUrl('/endpoint.json?param1=value1'); // Include query parameters as needed

$fs = new Freemius($scope, $id, $publicKey, $secretKey, true); // true enables sandbox mode

try {
    $response = $fs->Api('/endpoint.json');
// ... (other example code as before)