PHP code example of skeeks / yii2-assets-auto-compress

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download skeeks/yii2-assets-auto-compress library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


skeeks / yii2-assets-auto-compress example snippets

//App config
    'bootstrap'    => ['assetsAutoCompress'],
    'components'    =>
        'assetsAutoCompress' =>
            'class'         => '\skeeks\yii2\assetsAuto\AssetsAutoCompressComponent',

//App config with all options
    'bootstrap'  => ['assetsAutoCompress'],
    'components' => [
        'assetsAutoCompress' => [
            'class'   => '\skeeks\yii2\assetsAuto\AssetsAutoCompressComponent',
            'enabled' => true,

            'readFileTimeout' => 3,           //Time in seconds for reading each asset file

            'jsCompress'                => true,        //Enable minification js in html code
            'jsCompressFlaggedComments' => true,        //Cut comments during processing js

            'cssCompress' => true,        //Enable minification css in html code
            'cssFileCompile'        => true,        //Turning association css files
            'cssFileCompileByGroups' => false       //Enables the compilation of files in groups rather than in a single file. Works only when the $cssFileCompile option is enabled
            'cssFileRemouteCompile' => false,       //Trying to get css files to which the specified path as the remote file, skchat him to her.
            'cssFileCompress'       => true,        //Enable compression and processing before being stored in the css file
            'cssFileBottom'         => false,       //Moving down the page css files
            'cssFileBottomLoadOnJs' => false,       //Transfer css file down the page and uploading them using js

            'jsFileCompile'                 => true,        //Turning association js files
            'jsFileCompileByGroups'         => false        //Enables the compilation of files in groups rather than in a single file. Works only when the $jsFileCompile option is enabled
            'jsFileRemouteCompile'          => false,       //Trying to get a js files to which the specified path as the remote file, skchat him to her.
            'jsFileCompress'                => true,        //Enable compression and processing js before saving a file
            'jsFileCompressFlaggedComments' => true,        //Cut comments during processing js

            'noIncludeJsFilesOnPjax' => true,        //Do not connect the js files when all pjax requests when all pjax requests when enabled jsFileCompile
            'noIncludeCssFilesOnPjax' => true,        //Do not connect the css files when all pjax requests when all pjax requests when enabled cssFileCompile

            'htmlFormatter' => [
                //Enable compression html
                'class'         => 'skeeks\yii2\assetsAuto\formatters\html\TylerHtmlCompressor',
                'extra'         => false,       //use more compact algorithm
                'noComments'    => true,        //cut all the html comments
                'maxNumberRows' => 50000,       //The maximum number of rows that the formatter runs on


                'class' => 'skeeks\yii2\assetsAuto\formatters\html\MrclayHtmlCompressor',

                //or any other your handler implements skeeks\yii2\assetsAuto\IFormatter interface

                //or false

php composer.phar