PHP code example of sivanandaperumal / closure-table

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download sivanandaperumal/closure-table library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


sivanandaperumal / closure-table example snippets

'providers' => array(
        // ...

$parent = Page::find(15)->getParent();

$page = Page::find(15);
$ancestors = $page->getAncestors();
$ancestors = $page->getAncestorsTree(); // Tree structure
$ancestors = $page->getAncestorsWhere('position', '=', 1);
$hasAncestors = $page->hasAncestors();
$ancestorsNumber = $page->countAncestors();

$page = Page::find(15);
$children = $page->getChildren();
$hasChildren = $page->hasChildren();
$childrenNumber = $page->countChildren();

$newChild = new Page(array(
	'title' => 'The title',
	'excerpt' => 'The excerpt',
	'content' => 'The content of a child'

$newChild2 = new Page(array(
	'title' => 'The title',
	'excerpt' => 'The excerpt',
	'content' => 'The content of a child'


//you can set child position
$page->addChild($newChild, 5);

//you can get the child
$child = $page->addChild($newChild, null, true);

$page->addChildren([$newChild, $newChild2]);

$page->getChildrenRange(0, 2);

$page->removeChild(0, true); //force delete
$page->removeChildren(0, 3);
$page->removeChildren(0, 3, true); //force delete

$page = Page::find(15);
$descendants = $page->getDescendants();
$descendants = $page->getDescendantsWhere('position', '=', 1);
$descendantsTree = $page->getDescendantsTree();
$hasDescendants = $page->hasDescendants();
$descendantsNumber = $page->countDescendants();

$page  = Page::find(15);
$first = $page->getFirstSibling(); //or $page->getSiblingAt(0);
$last  = $page->getLastSibling();
$atpos = $page->getSiblingAt(5);

$prevOne = $page->getPrevSibling();
$prevAll = $page->getPrevSiblings();
$hasPrevs = $page->hasPrevSiblings();
$prevsNumber = $page->countPrevSiblings();

$nextOne = $page->getNextSibling();
$nextAll = $page->getNextSiblings();
$hasNext = $page->hasNextSiblings();
$nextNumber = $page->countNextSiblings();

//in both directions
$hasSiblings = $page->hasSiblings();
$siblingsNumber = $page->countSiblings();

$sibligns = $page->getSiblingsRange(0, 2);

$page->addSibling(new Page);
$page->addSibling(new Page, 3); //third position

//add and get the sibling
$sibling = $page->addSibling(new Page, null, true);

$page->addSiblings([new Page, new Page]);
$page->addSiblings([new Page, new Page], 5); //insert from fifth position

$roots = Page::getRoots();
$isRoot = Page::find(23)->isRoot();
Page::find(11)->makeRoot(0); //at the moment we always have to set a position when making node a root

$tree = Page::getTree();
$treeByCondition = Page::getTreeWhere('position', '>=', 1);

$tree = Page::getTree();
$page = $tree->find(15);
$children = $page->getChildren();
$child = $page->getChildAt(3);
$grandchildren = $page->getChildAt(3)->getChildren(); //and so on

$page = Page::find(25);
$page->moveTo(0, Page::find(14));
$page->moveTo(0, 14);

$page = Page::find(34);
$page->deleteSubtree(true); //with subtree ancestor
$page->deleteSubtree(false, true); //without subtree ancestor and force delete
php artisan closuretable:make --entity=page