PHP code example of silverstripe / select2

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download silverstripe/select2 library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


silverstripe / select2 example snippets

$field = AjaxSelect2Field::create('PageID');

// Set a class to search for. Defaults to SiteTree
$field->setConfig('classToSearch', 'MyCustomObject');

// Set a list of fields to search on. Default is Title 
$field->setConfig('searchFields', array('Title', 'ID'));

// Limit the number of results loaded per page (scroll set). Default is 200
$field->setConfig('resultsLimit', 100);

// The number of characters typed before search results are displayed. Default is 2.
$field->setConfig('minimumInputLength', 3);

// Configure how items should be displayed in the results list. The value gets parsed by the template parser
// You can use HTML too. Default is '$Title'.
$field->setConfig('resultsFormat', '<strong>$Title</strong><br />$AbsuluteLink');

// Configure how the currently selected item should be displayed. Default is '$Title'.
$field->setConfig('selectionFormat', '$Title ($ClassName)');

// Configure the text displayed when no item is selected. Default is 'Search...'
$field->setConfig('placeholder', 'Search for a Page...');

// Allow selection of multiple results. NOTE - you must handle the selected IDs (comma separated list) in code
$field->setConfig('multiple', true);