PHP code example of silvanite / brandenburg

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download silvanite/brandenburg library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


silvanite / brandenburg example snippets

// config/app.php
'providers' => [

'aliases' => [
    'BrandenburgPolicy' => Silvanite\Brandenburg\Facades\PolicyFacade::class,

use Silvanite\Brandenburg\Traits\HasRoles;

class User
    use HasRoles;

// AuthServiceProvider.php

if ($this->nobodyHasAccess('create-articles')) {
    return true;

// Check if the user has access

$editor = Silvanite\Brandenburg\Role::create([
    'name' => 'Editor',
    'slug' => 'editor',

// Grant access

// Revoke access

// Grant access to a set of permissions and remove all other permissions

// Revoke all permissions

$editorPermissions = $editor->permissions;

// returns ['create-articles', 'read-articles', 'update-articles', 'delete-articles']

// Using slug

// Using model
use Silvanite\Brandenburg\Role;


$user->setRolesById([1, 3, 4]);

// Same as
$user->roles()->sync([1, 3, 4]);

$canCreateArticle = $user->hasRoleWithPermission('create-articles');
php artisan migrate
php artisan vendor:publish --tag=brandenburg-config