PHP code example of silentbyte / litecache

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download silentbyte/litecache library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


silentbyte / litecache example snippets

$cache = new \SilentByte\LiteCache\LiteCache();

$config = $cache->get('config');
if ($config === null) {
    $config = json_decode(file_get_contents('config.json'), true);
    $cache->set('config', $config);


// Create the cache object with a customized configuration.
$cache = new \SilentByte\LiteCache\LiteCache([
    // Specify the caching directory.
    'directory' => '.litecache',

    // Make cached objects expire after 10 minutes.
    'ttl' => '10 minutes'

// Issue a Github API request and cache it under the specified name ('git-request').
// Subsequent calls to $cache->cache() will be fetched from cache;
// after expiration, a new request will be issued.
$response = $cache->cache('git-request', function () {
    $ch = curl_init('');
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, 'SilentByte/litecache');
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
    return json_decode(curl_exec($ch));

echo "Name: ", $response->login, "\n",
     "Website: ", $response->blog, "\n",
     "Update: ", $response->updated_at, "\n";

use SilentByte\LiteCache\IniProducer;
use SilentByte\LiteCache\LiteCache;

// Create the cache object with a customized configuration.
$cache = new LiteCache([
    // Cache objects permanently.
    'ttl' => LiteCache::EXPIRE_NEVER

// Load the specified INI configuration file and cache it.
$config = $cache->cache('ini-cache', new IniProducer('./sample_data/test_ini.ini'));

echo "Host: ", $config['server']['host'], "\n",
     "User: ", $config['server']['user'], "\n",
     "Password: ", $config['server']['password'], "\n";

use SilentByte\LiteCache\LiteCache;
use SilentByte\LiteCache\OutputProducer;

// Create the cache object with a customized configuration.
$cache = new LiteCache([
    // Specify the caching directory.
    'directory' => '.litecache',

    // Cache objects for 30 seconds.
    'ttl'       => '30 seconds'

// Load the specified file and cache it.
$output = $cache->cache('script-cache', new OutputProducer(function () {

// LiteCache 2.1 Default Options.
$options = [
    'directory'   => '.litecache',
    'subdivision' => false,
    'pool'        => 'default',
    'ttl'         => LiteCache::EXPIRE_NEVER,
    'logger'      => null

$cache = new LiteCache($options);