PHP code example of siktec / just-cli

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download siktec/just-cli library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


siktec / just-cli example snippets

$command = new JCli\Input\Command('rmdir', 'Remove dirs');

    // Arguments are separated by space
    // Format: `<name>` for erbosity` options are already added by default.
    // Format: `<name>` for     ->option('-d|--depth [nestlevel]', 'How deep to process sub-dirs', 'intval', 5)
    ->parse(['thisfile.php', '-sev', 'dir', 'dir1', 'dir2', '-vv']) // `$_SERVER['argv']`

// Print all values:

    [help] =>
    [version] => 0.0.1
    [verbosity] => 3
    [dir] => dir
    [dirs] => Array
            [0] => dir1
            [1] => dir2

    [subdir] => true
    [empty] => false
    [depth] => 5

// To get values for options except the default ones (help, version, verbosity)

// Pick a value by name
$command->dir;   // dir
$command->dirs;  // [dir1, dir2]
$command->depth; // 5

$app = new JCli\Application('git', '0.0.1');

    // Register `add` command
    ->command('add', 'Stage changed files', 'a') // alias a
        // Set options and arguments for this command
        ->arguments('<path> [paths...]')
        ->option('-f --force', 'Force add ignored file', 'boolval', false)
        ->option('-N --intent-to-add', 'Add content later but index now', 'boolval', false)
        // Handler for this command: param names should match but order can be anything :)
        ->action(function ($path, $paths, $force, $intentToAdd) {
            array_unshift($paths, $path);

            echo ($intentToAdd ? 'Intent to add ' : 'Add ')
                . implode(', ', $paths)
                . ($force ? ' with force' : '');

            // If you return integer from here, that will be taken as exit error code
        // Done setting up this command for now, tap() to retreat back so we can add another command
    ->command('checkout', 'Switch branches', 'co') // alias co
        ->option('-b --new-branch', 'Create a new branch and switch to it', false)
        ->option('-f --force', 'Checkout even if index differs', 'boolval', false)
        ->action(function ($branch, $newBranch, $force) {
            echo 'Checkout to '
                . ($newBranch ? 'new ' . $branch : $branch)
                . ($force ? ' with force' : '');

// Parse only parses input but doesn't invoke action
$app->parse(['git', 'add', 'path1', 'path2', 'path3', '-f']);

// Handle will do both parse and invoke action.
$app->handle(['git', 'add', 'path1', 'path2', 'path3', '-f']);
// Will produce: Add path1, path2, path3 with force

$app->handle(['git', 'co', '-b', 'master-2', '-f']);
// Will produce: Checkout to new master-2 with force

class InitCommand extends JCli\Input\Command
    public function __construct()
        parent::__construct('init', 'Init something');

            ->argument('<arrg>', 'The Arrg')
            ->argument('[arg2]', 'The Arg2')
            ->option('-a --apple', 'The Apple')
            ->option('-b --ball', 'The ball')
            // Usage examples:
                // append details or explanation of given example with ` ## ` so they will be uniformly aligned when shown
                '<bold>  init</end> <comment>--apple applet --ball ballon <arggg></end> ## details 1<eol/>' .
                // $0 will be interpolated to actual command name
                '<bold>  $0</end> <comment>-a applet -b ballon <arggg> [arg2]</end> ## details 2<eol/>'

    // This method is auto called before `self::execute()` and receives `Interactor $io` instance
    public function interact(JCli\IO\Interactor $io) : void
        // Collect missing opts/args
        if (!$this->apple) {
            $this->set('apple', $io->prompt('Enter apple'));

        if (!$this->ball) {
            $this->set('ball', $io->prompt('Enter ball'));

        // ...

    // When app->handle() locates `init` command it automatically calls `execute()`
    // with correct $ball and $apple values
    public function execute($ball, $apple)
        $io = $this->app()->io();

        $io->write('Apple ' . $apple, true);
        $io->write('Ball ' . $ball, true);

        // more codes ...

        // If you return integer from here, that will be taken as exit error code

class OtherCommand extends JCli\Input\Command
    public function __construct()
        parent::__construct('other', 'Other something');

    public function execute()
        $io = $this->app()->io();

        $io->write('Other command');        

        // more codes ...

        // If you return integer from here, that will be taken as exit error code

// Init App with name and version
$app = new JCli\Application('App', 'v0.0.1');

// Add commands with optional aliases`
$app->add(new InitCommand, 'i');
$app->add(new OtherCommand, 'o');

// Set logo
$app->logo('Ascii art logo of your app');

$app->handle($_SERVER['argv']); // if argv[1] is `i` or `init` it executes InitCommand

// Add grouped commands:
$app->group('Configuration', function ($app) {
    $app->add(new ConfigSetCommand);
    $app->add(new ConfigListCommand);

// Alternatively, set group one by one in each commands:
$app->add((new ConfigSetCommand)->inGroup('Config'));
$app->add((new ConfigListCommand)->inGroup('Config'));

$app = new JCli\Application('App', 'v0.0.1');
$app->onException(function (Throwable $e, int $exitCode) {
    // send to sentry
    // write to logs

    // optionally, exit with exit code:

    // or optionally rethrow, a re-thrown exception is propagated to top layer caller.
    throw $e;

$shell = new JCli\Helper\Shell($command = 'php -v', $rawInput = null);

// Waits until proc finishes
$shell->execute($async = false); // default false

echo $shell->getOutput(); // PHP version string (often with zend/opcache info)

$shell = new JCli\Helper\Shell('php /some/long/running/script.php');

// With async flag, doesn't wait for proc to finish!
$shell->setOptions($workDir = '/home', $envVars = [])
    ->execute($async = true)
    ->isRunning(); // true

// Force stop anytime (please check
$shell->stop(); // also closes pipes

// Force kill anytime (please check

$shell = new JCli\Helper\Shell('php /some/long/running/script.php');

// Wait for at most 10.5 seconds for proc to finish!
// If it doesn't complete by then, throws exception
$shell->setOptions($workDir, $envVars, $timeout = 10.5)->execute();

// And if it completes within timeout, you can access the stdout/stderr
echo $shell->getOutput();
echo $shell->getErrorOutput();

$interactor = new JCli\IO\Interactor;

// For mocking io:
$interactor = new JCli\IO\Interactor($inputPath, $outputPath);

$confirm = $interactor->confirm('Are you happy?', 'n'); // Default: n (no)
$confirm // is a boolean
    ? $interactor->greenBold('You are happy :)', true)  // Output green bold text
    : $interactor->redBold('You are sad :(', true);     // Output red bold text

$fruits = ['a' => 'apple', 'b' => 'banana'];
$choice = $interactor->choice('Select a fruit', $fruits, 'b');
$interactor->greenBold("You selected: {$fruits[$choice]}", true);

$fruits  = ['a' => 'apple', 'b' => 'banana', 'c' => 'cherry'];
$choices = $interactor->choices('Select fruit(s)', $fruits, ['b', 'c']);
$choices = \array_map(function ($c) use ($fruits) { return $fruits[$c]; }, $choices);
$interactor->greenBold('You selected: ' . implode(', ', $choices), true);

$any = $interactor->prompt('Anything', rand(1, 100)); // Random default
$interactor->greenBold("Anything is: $any", true);

$nameValidator = function ($value) {
    if (\strlen($value) < 5) {
        throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Name should be at least 5 chars');

    return $value;

// No default, Retry 5 more times
$name = $interactor->prompt('Name', null, $nameValidator, 5);
$interactor->greenBold("The name is: $name", true);

$passValidator = function ($pass) {
    if (\strlen($pass) < 6) {
        throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Password too short');

    return $pass;

$pass = $interactor->promptHidden('Password', $passValidator, 2);

$color = new JCli\Output\Color;

echo $color->warn('This is warning');
echo $color->info('This is info');
echo $color->error('This is error');
echo $color->comment('This is comment');
echo $color->ok('This is ok msg');

JCli\Output\Color::style('mystyle', [
    'bg' => JCli\Output\Color::CYAN,
    'fg' => JCli\Output\Color::WHITE,
    'bold' => 1, // You can experiment with 0, 1, 2, 3 ... as well

echo $color->mystyle('My text');

$cursor = new JCli\Output\Cursor;

echo  $cursor->up(1)
    . $cursor->down(2)
    . $cursor->right(3)
    . $cursor->left(4)
    . $cursor->next(0)
    . $cursor->prev(2);
    . $cursor->eraseLine()
    . $cursor->clear()
    . $cursor->clearUp()
    . $cursor->clearDown()
    . $cursor->moveTo(5, 8); // x, y

$progress = new JCli\Output\ProgressBar(100);
for ($i = 0; $i <= 100; $i++) {

    // Simulate something happening

$progress = new JCli\Output\ProgressBar(100);

// Do something

$progress->advance(); // Adds 1 to the current progress

// Do something

$progress->advance(10); // Adds 10 to the current progress

// Do something

$progress->advance(5, 'Still going.'); // Adds 5, displays a label

$progress = new JCli\Output\ProgressBar(100);
$progress->option('pointer', '>>');
$progress->option('loader', '▩');

// You can set the progress fluently
$progress->option('pointer', '>>')->option('loader', '▩');

// You can also use an associative array to set many options in one time
    'pointer' => '>>',
    'loader'  => '▩'

// Available options
| Option     | Description                  | Default value |
| pointer    | The progress bar head symbol | >             |
| loader     | The loader symbol            | =             |
| color      | The color of progress bar    | white         |
| labelColor | The text color of the label  | white         |

$writer = new JCli\Output\Writer;

// All writes are forwarded to STDOUT
// But if you specify error, then to STDERR
$writer->errorBold('This is error');

$writer->bold->green->write('It is bold green');
$writer->boldGreen('It is bold green'); // Same as above
$writer->comment('This is grayish comment', true); // True indicates append EOL character.
$writer->bgPurpleBold('This is white on purple background');

$writer->colors('<red>This is red</end><eol><bgGreen>This has bg Green</end>');

$writer->raw('Enter name: ');

    ['a' => 'apple', 'b-c' => 'ball', 'c_d' => 'cat'],
    ['a' => 'applet', 'b-c' => 'bee', 'c_d' => 'cute'],

    ['a' => 'apple', 'b-c' => 'ball', 'c_d' => 'cat'],
    ['a' => 'applet', 'b-c' => 'bee', 'c_d' => 'cute'],
], [
    // for => styleName (anything that you would call in $writer instance)
    'head' => 'boldGreen', // For the table heading
    'odd'  => 'bold',      // For the odd rows (1st row is odd, then 3, 5 etc)
    'even' => 'comment',   // For the even rows (2nd row is even, then 4, 6 etc)

// 'head', 'odd', 'even' are all the styles for now
// In future we may support styling a column by its name!

$reader = new JCli\Input\Reader;

// No default, callback fn `ucwords()`
$reader->read(null, 'ucwords');

// Default 'abc', callback `trim()`
$reader->read('abc', 'trim');

// Read at most first 5 chars
// (if ENTER is pressed before 5 chars then further read is aborted)
$reader->read('', 'trim', 5);

// Read but don't echo back the input
$reader->readHidden($default, $callback);

// Read from piped stream (or STDIN) if available without waiting

// Pass in a callback for if STDIN is empty
// The callback receives $reader instance and MUST return string
$reader->readPiped(function ($reader) {
    // Wait to read a line!
    return $reader->read();

    // Wait to read multi lines (until Ctrl+D pressed)
    return $reader->readAll();