PHP code example of sibche / laravel-paperclip

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download sibche/laravel-paperclip library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


sibche / laravel-paperclip example snippets

   'providers' => [

    Schema::create('your_models_table', function (Blueprint $table) {

    $table->string('attachmentname_variants', 255)->nullable();

class Comment extends Model implements \Czim\Paperclip\Contracts\AttachableInterface
    use \Czim\Paperclip\Model\PaperclipTrait;
    public function __construct(array $attributes = [])
        $this->hasAttachedFile('image', [
            'variants' => [
                'medium' => [
                    'auto-orient' => [],
                    'resize'      => ['dimensions' => '300x300'],
                'thumb' => '100x100',
            'attributes' => [
                'variants' => true,


    use \Czim\Paperclip\Config\Variant;
    use \Czim\Paperclip\Config\Steps\AutoOrientStep;
    use \Czim\Paperclip\Config\Steps\ResizeStep;
    // ...

    $this->hasAttachedFile('image', [
        'variants' => [

public function someControllerAction(Request $request) {
    $model = ModelWithAttachment::first();
    // You can set any UploadedFile instance from a request on
    // the attribute you configured a Paperclipped model for.
    $model->attachmentname = $request->file('uploaded');
    // Saving the model will then process and store the attachment.
    // ...

// You can use the built in SplFileInfo class:
$model->attachmentname = new \SplFileInfo('local/path/to.file');

// Or a file-handler class that allows you to override values:
$file = new \Czim\FileHandling\Storage\File\SplFileInfoStorableFile();
$file->setData(new \SplFileInfo('local/path/to.file'));
// Optional, will be derived from the file normally
// Optional, the file's current name will be used normally
$model->attachmentname = $file;

// Or even a class representing raw content
$raw = new \Czim\FileHandling\Storage\File\RawStorableFile();
$raw->setData('... string with raw content of file ...');
$model->attachmentname = $raw;

// You can set a special string value, the deletion hash, like so:
$model->attachmentname = \Czim\Paperclip\Attachment\Attachment::NULL_ATTACHMENT;
// In version 2.5.5 and up, this value is configurable and available in the config:
$model->attachmentname = config('paperclip.delete-hash');

// You can also directly clear the attachment by flagging it for deletion:

// After any of these approaches, saving the model will make the deletion take effect.
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Czim\Paperclip\Providers\PaperclipServiceProvider"
php artisan paperclip:refresh "App\Models\BlogPost" --attachments header,background