1. Go to this page and download the library: Download shortpixel/shortpixel-php library. Choose the download type require.
2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.
3. Add this code to the index.php.
/* Start to develop here. Best regards https://php-download.com/ */
shortpixel / shortpixel-php example snippets
// Set up the API Key.
// Compress with default settings
// Compress with default settings but specifying a different file name
ShortPixel\fromUrls("https://your.site/img/unoptimized.png")->toFiles("/path/to/save/to", "optimized.png");
// Compress with default settings from a local file
// Compress with default settings from several local files
ShortPixel\fromFiles(array("/path/to/your/local/unoptimized1.png", "/path/to/your/local/unoptimized2.png"))->toFiles("/path/to/save/to");
//Compres and rename each file
\ShortPixel\fromFiles(array("/path/to/your/local/unoptimized1.png", "/path/to/your/local/unoptimized2.png"))->toFiles("/path/to/save/to", ['renamed-one.png', 'renamed-two.png']);
// Compress with a specific compression level: 0 - lossless, 1 - lossy (default), 2 - glossy
// Compress and resize - image is resized to have the either width equal to specified or height equal to specified
// but not LESS (with settings below, a 300x200 image will be resized to 150x100)
ShortPixel\fromUrls("https://your.site/img/unoptimized.png")->resize(100, 100)->toFiles("/path/to/save/to");
// Compress and resize - have the either width equal to specified or height equal to specified
// but not MORE (with settings below, a 300x200 image will be resized to 100x66)
ShortPixel\fromUrls("https://your.site/img/unoptimized.png")->resize(100, 100, true)->toFiles("/path/to/save/to");
// Keep the exif when compressing
// Also generate and save a WebP version of the file - the WebP file will be saved next to the optimized file, with same basename and .webp extension
//Compress from a folder - the status of the compressed images is saved in a text file named .shortpixel in each image folder
\ShortPixel\ShortPixel::setOptions(array("persist_type" => "text"));
//Each call will optimize up to 10 images from the specified folder and mark in the .shortpixel file.
//It automatically recurses a subfolder when finds it
//Save to the same folder, set wait time to 300 to allow enough time for the images to be processed
$ret = ShortPixel\fromFolder("/path/to/your/local/folder")->wait(300)->toFiles("/path/to/your/local/folder");
//Save to a different folder. CURRENT LIMITATION: When using the text persist type and saving to a different folder, you also need to specify the destination folder as the fourth parameter to fromFolder ( it indicates where the persistence files should be created)
$ret = ShortPixel\fromFolder("/path/to/your/local/folder", 0, array(), "/different/path/to/save/to")->wait(300)->toFiles("/different/path/to/save/to");
//use a URL to map the folder to a WEB path in order for our servers to download themselves the images instead of receiving them via POST - faster and less exposed to connection timeouts
$ret = ShortPixel\fromWebFolder("/path/to/your/local/folder", "http://web.path/to/your/local/folder")->wait(300)->toFiles("/path/to/save/to");
//let ShortPixel back-up all your files, before overwriting them (third parameter of toFiles).
$ret = ShortPixel\fromFolder("/path/to/your/local/folder")->wait(300)->toFiles("/path/to/save/to", null, "/back-up/path");
//Recurse only $N levels down into the subfolders of the folder ( N == 0 means do not recurse )
$ret = ShortPixel\fromFolder("/path/to/your/local/folder", 0, array(), false, ShortPixel::CLIENT_MAX_BODY_SIZE, $N)->wait(300)->toFiles("/path/to/save/to");
//Set custom cURL options (proxy)
\ShortPixel\setCurlOptions(array(CURLOPT_PROXY => '', CURLOPT_REFERER => 'https://shortpixel.com/'));
//A simple loop to optimize all images from a folder
\ShortPixel\ShortPixel::setOptions(array("persist_type" => "text"));
$stop = false;
while(!$stop) {
$ret = ShortPixel\fromFolder("/path/to/your/local/folder")->wait(300)->toFiles("/path/to/save/to");
if(count($ret->succeeded) + count($ret->failed) + count($ret->same) + count($ret->pending) == 0) {
$stop = true;
//Compress from an image in memory
$myImage = file_get_contents($pathTo_shortpixel.png);
$ret = \ShortPixel\fromBuffer('shortpixel.png', $myImage)->wait(300)->toFiles(self::$tempDir);
//Compress to an image in memory
$ret = \ShortPixel\fromFiles(array("/path/to/your/local/unoptimized1.png", "/path/to/your/local/unoptimized2.png"))->wait(300)->toBuffers();
file_put_contents($pathTo_optimized1.png, $ret->succeeded[0]->Buffer); //the optimized image in memory
//Get account status and credits info:
$ret = \ShortPixel\ShortPixel::getClient()->apiStatus(YOUR_API_KEY);