PHP code example of shortdark / socket

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download shortdark/socket library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


shortdark / socket example snippets

et = new Shortdark\Socket;

$dataArray = [
    ['date'=>'2021-03-05', 'col1'=>116, 'col2'=> 156, 'col3'=>125],
    ['date'=>'2021-03-04', 'col1'=>115, 'col2'=> 155, 'col3'=>109],
    ['date'=>'2021-03-03', 'col1'=>114, 'col2'=> 154, 'col3'=>104],
    ['date'=>'2021-03-02', 'col1'=>113, 'col2'=> 153, 'col3'=>99],
    ['date'=>'2021-03-01', 'col1'=>112, 'col2'=> 152, 'col3'=>94],
    ['date'=>'2021-02-26', 'col1'=>111, 'col2'=> 151, 'col3'=>89]

$dataPointsArray = [
    ['date' => '2021-03-05', 'value' => 156, 'volume' => 1],
    ['date' => '2021-03-01', 'value' => 152, 'volume' => 2],

echo $socket->draw_svg($dataArray, $dataPointsArray);