PHP code example of shopblocks / omnipay-barclays-epdq

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download shopblocks/omnipay-barclays-epdq library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


shopblocks / omnipay-barclays-epdq example snippets

// create a gateway instance using onminpay factory
$gateway = Omnipay::getFactory()->create('BarclaysEpdq\Essential');

// create a purchase request
$purchase = $gateway->purchase();

$purchase->setTransactionId('ORDER-00001'); // Unique ID
$purchase->setAmount(5000); // 50£

 * @var $request EssentialPurchaseResponse
$response = $purchase->send();
// send the HTTP query with POST parameters
// you will be redirected to barclays payment server page

 * var $gateway Omnipay\BarclaysEpdq\EssentialGateway
$gateway = Omnipay::getFactory()->create('BarclaysEpdq\Essential');

 * var $request Omnipay\BarclaysEpdq\Message\EssentialCompletePurchaseRequest
$request = $gateway->completePurchase();
// if you get parameters back with GET request you need to use setCallbackMethod
// validates the SHASIGN then store the array containing
// feedback values for a later use like generating invoices
$data = $request->getData();

 * @var $request EssentialPurchaseResponse
$response = $purchase->send();

// additional parameters resent as feedback parameter after the payment
// resulting in a redirection with the feedback parameters:
// &COMPLUS=123456789123456789123456789&SessionID=126548354&ShopperID=73541312
$feedback = new Feedback();

// Payment page layout configuration
$layout = new PageLayout(); 
// logo URL must be absolute and store on a secure server accessible via HTTPS
$layout->setTitle('Secure payment with our partner');

// Delivery & Invoicing Data
$delivery = new Delivery(); 

// send the HTTP query with POST parameters
// you will be redirected to barclays payment server page