PHP code example of shish / gqla

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download shish/gqla library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


shish / gqla example snippets

use GQLA\Type;
use GQLA\Field;
use GQLA\Query;
use GQLA\Mutation;

// To create a new GraphQL Type, expose a PHP class
class Post {
    // To add fields to that type, expose PHP class properties
    public string $title;
    public string $body;

    // If you don't want the field to be part of your API,
    // don't expose it
    public int $author_id;

    // If your field is more complicated than a property,
    // expose a PHP function and it will be called as needed
    #[Field(name: "author")]
    public function get_author(): User {
        return User::by_id($this->author_id);

    // To add a new query or mutation, you can extend
    // the base Query or Mutation types
    #[Query(name: "posts", type: "[Post!]!")]
    public static function search_posts(string $text): array {
        // SELECT * FROM posts WHERE text LIKE "%{$text}%";

class User {
    public string $name;

class Comment {
    public string $text;
    public int $post_id;
    public int $author_id;
    public function author(): User {
        return User::by_id($this->author_id);
    #[Field(deprecationReason: "Use author subfield")]
    public function author_name(): string {
        return User::by_id($this->author_id)->name;

    // Note that even if the Comment class comes from a third-party
    // plugin, it can still add a new "comments" field onto the
    // first-party "Post" object type.
    #[Field(extends: "Post", type: "[Comment!]!")]
    public function comments(Post $post): array {
        // SELECT * FROM comments WHERE post_id = {$post->id}

    #[Field(type: "[String!]!")]
    function get_tags(): array {
        return ["foo", "bar"];

    #[Field(args: ["tags" => "[String!]!"])]
    function get_first_post_with_tags(array $tags): Post {
        return ...;